1st Wheat GEMS: mini-symposium on Wheat Genetics, Microbiomes and Soil Health

The ‘1st Wheat GEMS: mini-symposium on Wheat Genetics, Microbiomes and Soil Health’ will bring together experts in wheat genetics, microbiomes and soil science.
The Wheat GEMS will provide an overview of the science, and cutting-edge phenotyping approaches with the aim of building a research platform to enhance sustainable agriculture, the environmental and human health.
The mini-symposium Wheat GEMS that will take place at the John Innes Conference Centre in Norwich, 28th June 2022.
Please note that it will also be possible to attend this event virtually.
Hosted by the WISH-ROOTS partners, a new EJP Soil project funded by BBSRC in UK and coordinated from JIC, Wheat GEMS will be of interest to a broad audience, including scientist across multiple disciplines and stakeholders and will provide a unique opportunity for networking.
Full details of the program and free registration for in person and virtual attendees are available via Eventbrite.
Please forward this message on to your colleagues who may be interested in attending.
We look forward to welcoming you to the 1st Wheat GEMS.