2nd EPSO Seminar: The Wonderful World of Plant Microbe Interactions’.

The 2nd European-wide seminar of the new series by the European Plant Science Organisation (EPSO) aimed at the Plant Science community and its stakeholders.
The Wonderful World of Plant Microbe Interactions:
- Prof Corné M.J. Pieterse, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands
“The plant microbiome and plant health”
- Prof Paola Bonfante, University of Turin, Italy
“Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: living in between plants and endobacteria”
- Prof Gabriel Castrillo, University of Nottingham, UK
“Coordination between the microbiota and the root endodermis is required for plant mineral nutrient homeostasis”
The seminars will be hosted on Zoom and last approximately 1.5 hours. Numbers will be limited to 300 attendees and therefore please register early if you would like to join. There will be ample opportunities to ask questions and join the debate. So please join us to support this new and exciting initiative for European Plant Science by following this link just prior to the start of the seminar.
More Information & Registration