POSTPONED - 4th Integrated Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting (IPAP)

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this event is postponed to 2021.
We are delighted to let you know that the 4th INTERNATIONAL PLANT AND ALGAL PHENOMICS MEETING (IPAP) will take place in Brno in Czech Republic! Join us for the IPAP conference and learn more about the latest technology advancements in phenotyping and novel approaches in plant and algae phenotyping for yield improvements.
This year IPAP will offer:
- an intensive three-day event focusing on methodologies and technologies used in field of plant and algal phenotyping,
- topics that include challenges and solutions to field studies, novel approaches to root phenotyping and the application of machine learning and big data computation for predictive modelling,
- hands-on workshop focusing on Tools and Advances in Field Phenotyping,
- optional visit to the Mendel Museum dedicated to work and life of Gregor Johann Mendel.
All academic and industrial researchers who wish to learn more about the latest approaches and scientific developments in high throughput phenotyping are encouraged to attend.
Thomas Altmann
OT Gatersleben
Rick van de Zedde
Wageningen University & Research
Kristiina Himanen
University of Helsinki
Gerald Tuskan
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jim Whelan
La Trobe University
Imre Vass
Biological Research Centre
Christophe Salon
INRA de Dijon
Lukáš Spíchal
Palacký University Olomouc