Agricultural Innovation and Adaptation to Climate Change

Germany & Israel
Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres
Volcani Center - Agricultural Research Organization (ARO)
13:30 – 13:35 CET Welcome Remarks
13:35 – 13:55 CET Greetings
Julia Klöckner, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture Germany
Alon Schuster, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Israel
Dr. Susanne Wasum-Rainer, Germany’s Ambassador to Israel
Jeremy Issacharoff, Israel’s Ambassador to Germany
13:55 – 14:20 CET Declaration of Collaboration
Dr. Nahum Itzkovitz, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and
Rural Development Israel
Prof. Abed Gera, Acting Chief Scientist, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Israel
Albert Wulff, Head of Directorate Research, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture Germany
Prof. Otmar D. Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association
Prof. Eli Feinerman, Head of ARO
14:20 – 14:35 CET Keynote Lecture
Prof. Ulrich Schurr, Institute for Bio- and Geosciences, FZ Jülich
„Quantitative approaches to improvements of crop and agricultural systems for a changing climate”
14:35 – 14:50 CET Introduction of Collaborative Research Topics
Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt, Vice President of the Helmholtz Association, Chairman of the Board of Directors, FZ Jülich
Prof. Georg Teutsch, Scientific Director, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Prof. Vinnie Altstein, Director of Academic Affairs, ARO
14:50 – 15:40 CET Expert Panel “Collaborative Topics”:
14:50 – 15:00 CET Prof. Falk Harnisch, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
“Valorization of agricultural waste streams for the production of fuels and chemicals by microbial and electrochemical conversions”
15:00 – 15:10 CET Dr. Alon Ben Gal, Gilat Center, ARO
“Irrigation water quality effects on soils, crops and resource use efficiencies"
15:10 – 15:20 CET Prof. Jan Vanderborght, Institute for Bio- and Geosciences, FZ Jülich
“Technologies and modeling tools for agricultural, crop, and climate adaptation research”
15:20 – 15:30 CET Prof. Hans-Jörg Vogel, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Modelling water movement in soils under arid and semi-arid conditions”
15:30 – 15:40 CET Dr. Ilan Levin, Plant Sciences Institute, ARO
Confronting climate changes in Israel: challenges and solutions"
15:40 – 15:55 CET Q&A
15:55 – 16:00 CET Closing Remarks
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Agenda (PDF)