CROP Innovation & Business (CropIB)

The international conference that combines science, technology innovation, and business in the field of plant breeding and innovative crops
This conference brings together breeding companies, academics, agri tech providers and experts from the international agri-food community to discuss innovations and solutions for the challenges in agriculture.
For the 12th time, more than 200 international participants will gather in Amsterdam for a three-day conference that focuses on the use of new technologies for breeding innovative crops.
New technologies in artificial intelligence, phenotyping, robotics, genotyping and data science that will contribute to the development of new resilience-, protein-, health beneficial- and sustainable crops will be discussed.
CropIB will also contribute to stimulating partnerships by connecting the industry to the world-class academic networks such as of Wageningen (the Netherlands), Ghent (Belgium) and CEPLAS (Germany).
Added to this year´s program is a dedicated pitch session in which 6 early stage companies will have the opportunity to give a short presentation of 7 minutes. The aim of this program part is to connect these startups to the breeding industry and perform pilot studies to validate their first product and/or service. In this way CropIB would like to decrease the time to market for new innovations that could be applied for crop improvement.
Topics for 2023
- Which breakthrough DNA technologies will contribute to the development of sustainable crops.
- What are the major advancements in high-throughput phenotyping technologies.
- What are the greatest benefits of artificial intelligence and data sciences for plant breeding?
- How to unlock the genetic potential of plants to accelerate the development of resilient crops adapted to increased biotic and abiotic stresses?
- How to breed for better plant protein crops to support the protein transition?
- What are the latest developments in plant breeding of Vegetables and Field crops to adapt to the changing environments and (consumer) markets?
- What are sustainable traits and how to implement these in commercial varieties?
- How to speed up knowledge valorisation from academic research in AgBio?