IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop: Plant Phenotyping with Minicomputers and Low-Cost Cameras
A short participative workshop oriented toward practical aspects of plant phenotyping with inexpensive, yet robust, minicomputers coupled with small cameras. Each important step, from system installation, network deploying, time lapse acquisition, image processing, machine learning and data analysis will be illustrated with talks and hands on.
The target audience are tech-minded biologists and engineers in charge of phenotyping trials from academic or private compagnies.
Invited Speakers:
Noah FAHLGREN (Danforth center, USA),
Sotirios TSAFTARIS (Edinburg University, UK),
Sebastian SCHULTHEISS (Computomics, Germany),
Jean-Pierre DA COSTA (Agrosup Bordeaux, France),
Julia BUITINK (INRA, Angers, France)
David ROUSSEAU (Université d’Angers, France), Pejman RASTI (ESAIP, France)
Local team: Hadhami GARBOUGE, Mouad El ZINE ABIDINE, David PIERRE, Geoffroy COUASNET,
Please register before 31 May 2021: 100 euros including coffee breaks, lunch, gala dinner,
access to minicomputers, GPU programming station for machine learning, teaching material.
Registration at : patricia.vandaele@inra.fr
Day 1:
9H-12H Time lapse acquisition;
13H-17H Pre-Processing time lapse image sequences.
17H-19H : Launching of a time lapse over a network of minicomputers.
Day 2:
9H-12H Course Machine learning for plant growth analysis ;
13H-17H Hands on machine learning for plant growth analysis ;
17H-19H : show case of industrial and home-made solutions.
Day 3:
8H-12H Example of Plant research with Minicomputers and low-cost cameras ;
14H-16H visit of PHENOTIC platform.