NordForsk supported Nova PhD course

The changing climate demands developing faster breeding methods to provide effective solutions for the future agriculture. This course series aims to introduce the emerging research fields of high throughput plant phenotyping used for plant-environment interactions from highly controlled environments to field conditions, in combination with omics technologies including bioinformatics and R-computing. The course is of 5 ECTS and is organised by Kristiina Himanen, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. The course is the second course in the NOVA PhD course series Phenotyping Technologies in Plant-environment Interactions which is scheduled for 2018-2021. The course will take place on 10-14 Jun. 2019, in Helsinki, Finland. 1st call deadline: 15 Feb. 2019. Final registration: 1 May 2019. More information and how to apply here Students from NordPlant univeristies outside NOVA (i.e. UCPH, UiT and LU) can apply for course waiver.