12.02.2020 - 13.02.2020 – Paris, France Download iCal
Training Workshop on Data Management for Wheat Phenotyping Data

The Wheat Initiative, through the Expert Working Groups on Wheat Phenotyping and Wheat Information Systems, is organizing a two-day training workshop on data management for wheat phenotyping data.
UPDATE: There are five place left for the training event on Data management for wheat phenotyping data organized by Wheat Initiative and ELIXIR in Paris, France 12 - 13 February 2020.
- February Wednesday 12th, Thursday 12th
- Organizers: Wheat Initiative, Elixir-fr
- Target audience: Biologist, Plant data managers, information system managers willing to learn MIAPPE and its application to their datasets. The workshop is open to non wheat scientists and data manager willing to attend on their own budget.
- Location: Paris Ecole Normal Superieur
- Travel support for those working on wheat through the Wheat Initiative.
- More Information: https://www.wheatinitiative.org/events-meetings-and-workshops/data-management-wheat-phenotyping-data
More information and registration