
Presentation material of the Nordic Plant Phenotyping field day available online

The Nordic Plant Phenotyping field day that was held here at NMBU on 17 June. This is an annual get-together for plant breeders and scientists in the Nordic countries to get in touch with field phenotyping activities and learn about the latest development.

Due to the corona situation, it was made into a digital meeting that attracted about 50 participants, who could enjoy a varied program consisting of presentations, short videos, virtual coffee breaks and breakout rooms with discussions. Did you miss it? Don’t worry, the presentation materials and videos highlighting different aspects of field phenotyping activities in Norway are available at the NPPN website:  https://nordicphenotyping.org/activities/annual-nppn-field-day-2020/

 The Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network (NPPN) is the open network activity of the 6P project (Public Private Partnership - Plant Phenotyping Project), which is coordinated by the University of Copenhagen. 6P is  a Public Private Partnership between plant breeding companies and research institutions in the Nordic countries, that is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.