
Registration opens for the 7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium

Registration & abstract submission for the 7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium (IPPS7) have opened.

Visit www.ipps7.org & stay tuned for even more updates!!

The IPPS7 will take place as a (primarily) in-person event in the city of Wageningen (Netherlands), on the campus of  Wageningen University & Research (WUR), which is considered one of the world's top Universities in the fields "agricultural research" & "forestry" in various recent rankings.
Together with our local co-organizers from WUR, we planned the IPPS to co-incede with the grand opening of the NPEC (Netherlands Plant Eco-Phenotyping Center) facilities on the WUR campus, on September 26 (pre-conference day; your registration will include free access to this event).

The symposium is organised along 7 themes:

1)       Climate change & Photosynthesis

2)       Plant Development & Allocation

3)       Microbiome, ecology & biotic interactions

4)       Modelling of physiological & ecological processes

5)       Food & Bio-economy

6)       Sensors, Robotics & Automation

7)       Informatics, Data & Analytics

On our conference website (www.IPPS7.org) you will find all necessary information for you to register and/or submit an abstract for oral- and/or poster- presentation.
Via a website link, you will be redirected to our external booking system website (Converia). You may choose to select rates according to your affiliation for e.g. IPPN members/non-members, industry/ academia or student rates. For the first time we offer a special registration rate for Start-ups, offering them a 1-year fee membership in IPPN, complementary to their conference registration. 
Any abstract will be evaluated by scientists from our local- & international scientific committees, after the registration closes.

Registrations Deadline: 

·         Early Bird Registration closes:  April 1, 2022*

·         Registration closes:  July 31, 2022*


Abstract Deadline:

·         Abstract Submission closes:  April 15, 2022*

·         Travel Grant closes:  June 30, 2022*

While the planning of the conference will continue throughout 2022, we will add further information to our website regarding "Hotels & Accommodation", "Travel Information" & "Full program". So please stay tuned for more updates in the following week.

Feel welcome to already take a look at the conference website to see existing information on IPPN Travel GrantsCO2 compensation strategy, Session Topics & Themes.