2nd Brussels Institute of Advanced Studies conference on Smart Agriculture BrIAS Agri2025
The BrIAS Agri2025 aims to become a recurrent annual event for a multidisciplinary scientific community to present and discuss the most recent studies on smart agriculture.
SPIE West: Photonic Technologies in Plant and Agricultural Science II

This conference aims at bringing together these different aspects of photonic technologies in the field of plant sciences, agricultural research and the food chain from a technical perspective.
International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI)

Hosted biennially, the International Conference on Research Infrastructures is the major professional forum for the global research infrastructure community.
PHENET webinar series

The European Research Infrastructures (RI) on plant phenotyping (EMPHASIS), ecosystems experimentation (AnaEE), long-term observation (eLTER) and data management and bioinformatics (ELIXIR) join their forces in the EU funded project PHENET to codevelop next generation of tools, methods for the development of crop varieties, agricultural management practices to face future climatic scenarios across Europe and accompany agroecological transition.

Since the first edition, MetroAgriFor intends to create an active and stimulating forum where academics, researchers and industry experts in the field of measurement and data processing techniques for Agriculture, Forestry and Food can meet and share new advances and research results.
PhenoRob: Business and Stakeholder Networking Event (German)
Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS 2024)

We are pleased to invite you to the Sixth International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS 2024, https://2024.mlcas.site/) that will be co-located with 8th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium (IPPS8, https://www.plant-phenotyping.org/ipps8) at the Nebraska Innovation Campus in Lincoln, Nebraska on Monday October 7, 2024. The workshop will feature invited talks, oral/poster presentations of contributed papers, and an Ag-ML competition.
8th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium 2024

IPPN invites you to join the world's leading conference on plant phenotyping, held in the inspiring environment of the University Nebraska-Lincoln.
Network with global experts, share research, & gain practical insights through poster sessions, lab tours, & dedicated industry opportunities.
9th Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture
This workshop will showcase the challenges raised by working on computer vision for plant phenotyping and agriculture. Workshop goals include demonstrating the state-of-the-art, identifying key unsolved problems, and introducing computer scientists with an interest in plant phenotyping to the field.
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) is a biennial premier research conference in Computer Vision and Machine Learning, managed by the European Computer Vision Association (ECVA).
3rd International Wheat Congress (IWC)
The International Wheat Congress (IWC) is a prestigious biennial event that begun in July 2019 in Saskatoon, Canada. It serves as an important gathering for the global wheat community, providing a platform for leading experts, researchers, policymakers, and industry professionals to discuss advancements in the field of wheat breeding, genetics, genomics, and agronomy.

The Botanik-Tagung, the International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences (DBG), will take place at Halle (Saale), Germany, from 15th until 19th September 2024.
Scion and ForestSAT look forward to welcoming you to Rotorua, Aotearoa / New Zealand
on 9th - 13th September for the Association for Forest Spatial Analysis Technologies Conference.
UK Phenomics Town Hall & Conference 2024

UK Plant Phenomics 2024 will take place over two days, from late morning September 4th to early afternoon September 5th. The conference will be single track, comprising sessions mixing formal presentations with Town Hall style discussion.
22nd Eucarpia General Congress - Global Challenges for Crop Improvement
International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR)
The International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR) is an annual gathering of up to 1000 scientists whose primary research organism is the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. This meeting embraces the remarkable contribution that Arabidopsis has made to our understanding of plant science.
SEB Conference 2024
SEB’s Annual Conference is celebrated for creating the perfect composition of research, new discoveries and collaborative connections. Be creative and innovative by exchanging ideas and knowledge with masters of biology from all over the world.
13th International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology
The International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology (IPMB) was initiated in 1984 and is a triennial conference gathering plant molecular biologists from all over the world. The scientific program highlights recent discoveries in plant science from basic molecular biology to crop biotechnology. The range of presentations demonstrate the importance of plant molecular biology to understanding species diversity, promotion of plant conservation, and goals toward fulfilling the need for the development of ecologically sustainable farming in our changing world.
Plant Biology 2024
2024 marks 100 years of the plant science community coming together to learn of new scientific breakthroughs, build professional networks, and gain skills to grow careers. Interested but don’t know what to expect?
7th Edition of the Pathophysiology School

The School, conducted in English, will provide doctoral students, post-docs, and young researchers with the opportunity to experience three days of training with prestigious speakers and to build new scientific and personal relationships in an informal yet highly stimulating environment.
Registrations are open until April 10th, 2024.
ISRR 2024 - Roots [& Roads] to a sustainable future 12 ISRR 2024
4th Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Meeting
It is our pleasure to invite you to the 4th Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network (APPN) Meeting!
Free Registration and abstract submission are open: https://appn.at/events/4thappn/
UPDATE: Program now available!
International “Fascination of Plants Day”
The goal of this activity is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture and sustainable production of nutritious food, as well as for horticulture, forestry and the production of plant-based non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy and pharmaceuticals.
Food System Microbiomes 2024

The Food System Microbiomes 2024 International Conference is organized as part of the newly founded MicrobiomeSupport Association, a follow-up of the Coordination and Support Action MicrobiomeSupport.
CROP Innovation & Business

The international conference that combines science, technology innovation, and business in the field of plant breeding and innovative crops
Root2Res Workshop on Root Phenotyping

Save the date/ Root2Res Project Workshop on Root Phenotyping and HTP 28th February 2024 Sidi el Aidi Station
IPPN Working Group Kick-off: "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Phenotyping"

This is an open call for participation going out to anyone interested to attend the kick-off of our newly established IPPN Working Group: "Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Phenotyping"
North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NaPPN) Annual Conference
SPIE Photonics West 2024

SPIE is an event where the latest advances are shared by the optics and photonics community in lasers, biomedical optics and biophotonic technologies, quantum, and optoelectronics.
1st FLEX User Workshop: Potential applications of the Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX)
International Plant & Animal Genome / PAG 31
The Plant and Animal Genome Conference is designed to provide a forum on recent developments and future plans for plant & animal genome projects. Consisting of technical presentations, poster sessions, exhibits and workshops, the conference is an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, and applications on this internationally important project.
2023 Research Seminar of the IPPN Forest Phenotyping Working Group

The online-seminar of the IPPN Forest Phenotyping working group will be held in the new library of Nanjing Forestry University (Nanjing, China). 6 scholars will give their presentations during the seminar and around 40 ppl will join in-site.
Nordic Plant Phenotyping Workshop & final NordPlant Meeting
NordPlant is coming to its sixth and last year. With this last annual meeting (22-23 November), we will try to sum up the last years’ progress around plant phenotyping and modelling for future climates, but foremost we will look into the future of plant phenotyping!
7th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding
EUCARPIA is glad to announce that the Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding (CBB7) will be held as a presence meeting in Wernigerode, Germany. In addition, the 18th EWAC – The European Cereals Genetics Co-operative Conference will be prepared as a satellite meeting. Both conferences will be jointly organised with the Cereals Section of EUCARPIA - the European Association for Research on Plant Breeding. Participants may submit different abstracts to both events.
Metrology for Agriculture and Forestry 2023

Since the first edition, MetroAgriFor intends to create an active and stimulating forum where academics, researchers and industry experts in the field of measurement and data processing techniques for Agriculture, Forestry and Food can meet and share new advances and research results.
The African Plant Breeders Association Conference 3rd Edition
The African Plant Breeders Association (APBA) Conference was initiated in 2019 to disseminate the latest knowledge and achievements in the field of agriculture, to enhance research and development (R&D) for sustainable agriculture production systems in Africa.
PhenoRob Business and Stakeholder Networking Event
We cordially invite you to join our upcoming networking event on 19.10.2023, 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM, at Universitätsclub Bonn to exchange ideas with stakeholders from industry, politics, farmers and end-users on new methods in weed control. The event will be opened by the Head of the Digitalization Uni at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Dr. Steffen Beerbaum. Participation is free of charge for you.
International Symposium: “Frontiers in the development and application of plant phenotyping: What are we seeking in plant phenotyping?”
We are pleased to announce that International Symposium “Frontiers in the development and application of plant phenotyping: What are we seeking in plant phenotyping” will be held in a hybrid form on October 12, 2023.
Registration & participation is free of cost!
PhenoVeg 2023

PhenoVeg 2023 invites the science community to exchange knowledge on high throughput plant phenotyping to strengthen innovation in crop research and plant breeding.
UPDATE: Preliminary program now available
Seed meets Technology is an event where the focus is on innovative seed technology, variety assortment and adding value to horticultural seed. The initiators, together with other companies associated with the seed industry, want to strengthen the program of open days in #week39 with themes such as seed treatment, phenotyping, seed processing equipment, breeding support, sustainable crop protection and cultivation systems.
Plant & Animal Genome - PAG Australia

In response to the expanding global population, worldwide climate changes, and dramatic plant and animal genome research occurring in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region, the organizers of the Plant and Animal Genome Conference are planning a short version of PAG to be held in Perth, Western Australia.
UK Plant Phenomics Conference

Registration NOW open, Sign up for Here
Submissions of papers (in the form of extended abstracts) covering, but not limited to...:
• Phenotyping tools, methods and facilities
• Management and analysis of phenotyping data
• Successful applications of and challenges facing phenotyping technologies
...are welcome via Microsoft CMT (https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/PhenomUK2023/Submission/Index)
Deadline for abstracts July 28th 2023
Deadline for Registration 25th August 2023
3rd Asia-Pacific Plant Phenomics International Conference (APPPcon)

To promote the most advanced research progresses in plant phenotyping, the 3rd Asia- Pacific Plant Phenomics Conference (http://www.appp-con.com) will be held on July 7-10, 2023 in Sanya, a beautiful coastal city. We warmly welcome all scientists or representatives who are interested in plant phenotyping to participate the conference where plant phenotyping professionals can gather and exchange ideas, present their latest findings, and to network with their peers, so as to advance the field further towards a sustainable future.
Plant Biology Europe 2023

The Organizing Committee, the Scientific Committee, the Federation of the European Societies of Plant Biology, the French Society of Plant Biology and the Biosciences and Biotechnology Institute of Aix-Marseille welcome you to the next Plant Biology Europe meeting which will be held in person over 3.5 days
Affordable Phenotyping Workshop
Participative workshop oriented toward designing homemade plant
phenotyping systems and training the next agtech-minded generation empowered
with a fearless DIY spirit. Two days of scientific talks, techno shows, hands-on and
tutorials on field/orchard and controlled environment phenotyping systems.
NPPN Field Day 2023
We are happy to announce that the registration for the NPPN Field day is now open. The field day will be held on the 19th of June in Ås, Norway organized by NMBU and Graminor.
Registration deadline: May 20th
World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11)

The 11th World Soybean Research Conference (WSRC 11) as been announced to take place in Vienna, in June 2023.
7th International Symposium on Modelling in Horticultural Supply Chain
The International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain will be held at the Leibniz Institut for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy in Potsdam, Germany
Registration for the Annual Meeting 2023 of the International Seed Testing Association has just opened!
10th International Symposium on Root Development
Rooting 2023 aims to bring together scientists in plant developmental biology, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, ecophysiology and biotechnology, with a common interest in root development.
Postharvest Unlimited Conference & Postharvest Ornamentals Symposium

We are delighted to invite you to attend the VII International Conference Postharvest Unlimited & XII International Symposium on Postharvest Quality of Ornamental Plants, at 14-17th of May 2023, respectively. Both are jointly organized under the aegis of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS).
Wheat Initiative: 5TH VIRTUAL DURUM MEETING - “Challenges and Prospects of Durum Wheat of the Future”

The Expert Working Group on DURUM WHEAT GENOMICS AND BREEDING will hold their 5th virtual meeting in May!
Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Conference 2023
The Dutch Bioinformatics & Systems Biology conference 2023 (BioSB 2023) discusses the latest developments in bioinformatics, systems and computational biology and interrelated disciplines, and their wide-ranging applications in life sciences & health, agriculture, food & nutrition research.
PhenoRob Career Fair: Meet Tomorrow’s Talents in AI and Agriculture

The DFG-funded Cluster of Excellence “PhenoRob – Robotics and Phenotyping for Sustainable Crop Production” invites you to meet tomorrow’s talents in AI and agriculture at the PhenoRob Career Fair.
EMPHASIS Training Programme on Affordable Phenotyping

The course addresses early career scientists from academia and industry and provides ample opportunities to interact with plant phenotyping scientists.
CROP Innovation & Business (CropIB)

The international conference that combines science, technology innovation, and business in the field of plant breeding and innovative crops

This is the third Webinar of the Expert Working Group on Wheat Pathogens: Trends in Fusarium and Ergot in Canadian wheat from 1995
Sean Walkowiak PhD, Research Scientist at Canadian Grain Commission since 2019.
The Future of Food Forum promises to be an exciting one-day gathering, on March 20, 2023, presented by the Global Food Systems Institute at the University of Florida. This Forum will bring together great thinkers—academics, students, business leaders, farmers, growers, and policymakers—researching and implementing innovative ways to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) to transform food systems.
3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference
After the long delay due to the pandemic, we are thrilled to invite the world’s soil biodiversity researchers, educators, and policy supporters to join us in Dublin, Ireland on 13-15th March 2023 for the 3rd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference.
Webinar: Non-invasive phenotyping to quantify the dynamics of plant-environment interaction

This webinar will introduce the concept of plant-environment interaction in different spatial and temporal domains and will describe some case studies with modern technologies to study these interactions. It will also define the ESFRI Plant Phenotyping Research Infrastructure EMPHASIS, and the opportunities for accessing these globally unique facilities for deep phenotyping as well as high-throughput and field phenotyping
Online workshop: Intro and user training workshop
Indoor Ag-Con

Indoor Ag-Con is the premier indoor agriculture trade show and conference for indoor | vertical farming and controlled environment agriculture. From starting or sustainably scaling up to buying from or selling to indoor | vertical farms producing a growing variety of crops, our business and tech-focused events are expanding to offer new opportunities to connect all agriculture supply chain stakeholders.
NAPPN Annual Conference 2023

The 2023 NAPPN Annual Conference will be held at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. It will highlight the most recent advances in the field of Plant Phenotyping.
Join us in St. Louis, February 13-17 for exciting scientific content, the NAPPN General Assembly, hands-on workshops, Field Trips, and more!
Plant & Animal Genome Conference /PAG30

PAG brings together over 3,000 leading genetic scientists and researchers in plant and animal research, and over 150 exhibits, 200 workshops, 1,200 posters and over 2,000 abstracts.
NARO 2nd International Symposium on Food and Health

In December 2022, NARO will hold the second online international symposium focusing on “Food and Health”. We will share research results and initiatives by research institutes and private companies around the world that continue to pursue the realization of “food security and health, ” and aim to strengthen international collaboration in order to accelerate every activity from R&D to social implementation, and business development.
CSS & Seed Expo 2022

Join more than 2,000 seed industry professionals from over 30 countries for America's largest seed industry conference! A time-honored tradition each December, this year's CSS & Seed Expo will be our last year holding the event in Chicago, where it has been held since 1946.
NOVA PhD course: “Common Data Standards and Integrative Analytic Methods for Plant Phenotyping”

The changing climate requires the development of faster breeding methods. This course is part of a series that aims to introduce the emerging research fields of high throughput plant phenotyping and omics technologies (including bioinformatics). The focus of the course is on computational solutions for handling and analyzing plant phenotyping data.
Interdrought VII

We are pleased to inform you that registration is now open for the 7th Congress on plant production in water-limited environment - Interdrought VII to be held for the first time in Africa at King Fahd Hotel, Dakar, Senegal from Monday, November 28th to Friday, December 2nd 2022.
Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network WORKSHOP
The Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network facilitates and promotes information exchange between Nordic research institutions, Nordic plant breeding companies and industry technology providers. The network aims at enhancing the dynamic development of high-throughput field phenotyping methodologies, technologies and practical implementation of progress through a focus on end-user involvement and knowledge sharing.
Sharing UAV-based high-throughput plant phenotyping data via a public clouds

Learn how to using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure to share Unoccupied Aircraft System (UAS) High Throughput Plant Phenotyping (HTPP) data.
[WEBINAR:] Drones in agrofood - drone-based phenotyping for experimental fields

Phenotyping crops in experimental fields is a great example of where drone technology can offer excellent value for the agricultural sector. Drones allow us to measure plant traits of interest in a scalable and objective way. But what is phenotyping exactly? What are the possibilities and limitations? And how can I get started?

The American Society of Agronomy, the Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America host a premier international scientific meeting that brings together leading and emerging scientific leaders from industry, government agencies, and academic institutions who are all working to advance agronomic, crop and soil sciences.
3rd French-German-Japanese Symposium on AI

At the 3rd trilateral symposium on Artificial Intelligence (AI), stakeholders from academia, industry and policy-making will discuss measures to tackle planetary challenges that humankind is facing in the Anthropocene and share their visions for realizing a sustainable society.
7th International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation, Visualization, and Applications (PMA2022)

The symposium aims to bring colleagues together in exploring the frontiers of functional-structural plant models (FSPMs), including modeling principles, computation algorithms, simulation techniques, and visualization methods, from molecular to ecosystem scales.
7th Annual P2IRC Symposium

Each year, the Global Institute for Food Security hosts a Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Centre (P2IRC) Symposium designed to share information and learnings achieved in the past year. The event brings together P2IRC researchers, members of our International Scientific Advisory Committee, students, delegates and partners representing industry and producer groups.

The Controlled Environment Agriculture Innovation Center (VT-IALR CEA-IC), a partnership between the School of Plant and Environmental Sciences at Virginia Tech and Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Virginia Tech and the Institute for Advanced Learning and Research, and Indoor Ag-Con invite you to participate in the first CEA Summit East in Danville, Virginia.
Euroseeds2022 Congress

With close to 1.100 registrations already, the Berlin Congress once again promises a lively and buzzing atmosphere of discussion, trade and exchanges on latest economic and policy developments as well as a large-scale exhibition that showcases the innovative potential in and around the plant breeding and seed industry.
PlantComp 2022 - Workshop on plant sensing and computing

PlantComp will bring together young researchers in plant physiology, sensing and modelling. Due to the increased specialisation in these fields, researchers are often unaware of novel technologies from other fields. PlantComp is set up to bridge this gap and to facilitate a cross-pollination among these fields in plant sciences and to advance towards increased interdisciplinary research.
7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium (2022)

The 7th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, IPPS 2022, brings together a multidisciplinary community of plant biologists, ecologists, engineers, agronomists and computer scientists. In a rich and diverse networking environment we foster knowledge exchange, collaboration and innovation.
UPDATE: EARLY BIRD & Abstract submission periods extended
Early Bird Registration closes: May 1, 2022 [NEW]
Abstract Submission closes: May 15, 2022 [NEW]
Meeting of the IPPN Root Phenotyping Working Group
For anyone interested in root phenotyping this is the chance to join the IPPN Root Phenotyping Group who just recently elected a new Chair & Co-Chair.
Breeding plants for tomorrow’s world – challenges and solutions

The GPZ invites you to the main bi-annual conference
Breeding plants for tomorrow’s world – challenges and solutions
The conference will take place in a hybrid format and can be attended in presence or online
2nd International Wheat Congress (IWC)

The International Wheat Congress (IWC) was merged from two original wheat international conferences – the International Wheat Genetics Symposium and the International Wheat Conference.
International Horticultural Congress
The International Horticultural Congress (IHC) is the most important scientific event organised every four years since 1959 in the fields related to Horticulture* under the auspices of ISHS (International Society for Horticultural Science).
Update (12.11.2021): To present your research on related topics, please submit your abstracts (https://www.actahort.org/members/symposiar?nr=762) by 15 November 2021.
Workshop: Omics-enabled Trait-associated Gene Inference and Genomic Prediction

Through this two-hour workshop, participants will learn the basic principle of the genome-wide mediation analysis to establish a causal chain from SNP to intermediate Omics phenotype to agronomic traits. The presenters will then provide a hands-on experience integrating populationwide Omics data to identify mediator genes.
Plant Biology 2022
In 2022, we eagerly anticipate the return of an in-person meeting, where we can again share the energy of presenting and discussing leading-edge research, making spontaneous connections, refreshing friendships and collaborations, and being part of the plant science community.
SEB Annual Conference 2022

Discover the art of creating extraordinary science at SEB’s Annual Conference in Montpellier, France from 5 to 8 July 2022.
Registration will open soon!
1st Wheat GEMS: mini-symposium on Wheat Genetics, Microbiomes and Soil Health

The ‘1st Wheat GEMS: mini-symposium on Wheat Genetics, Microbiomes and Soil Health’ will bring together experts in wheat genetics, microbiomes and soil science.
Assembly of the IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Working Group

We are looking forward to our next working group assembly, which is planned as a pre-meeting for the workshop of the IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Working Group at the IPPS2022.
This meeting is open to everyone interested in Affordable Phenotyping methods.
20th International Sunflower Conference - ISC2020

Since further development of the situation cannot be foreseen, together with the ISA Board, we have decided to postpone the conference for the next year. The new time for the conference is June 20th to June 23rd, 2022. The conference will be held in the same place, Master center, in Novi Sad, Serbia.
Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network: NPPN Field Day 2022
Participation is free of charge. This includes bus transport on the 14th-15th June, meals and the social dinner on 14th June. Hotel and additional transport should be covered by participants themselves.
Deadline for registration is 20th May 2022.
IPPN-CEPPG Workshop on Environment Simulation and Plant Phenotyping

After the finalization of the DPPN funded Plant Cultivation Hall at IPK Gartersleben, the Controlled Environment Plant Phenotyping Working Group (CePPG) is hosting a workshop including international speakers, on-site & online.
More details on this new phenosphere will be presented in the upcoming IPPN-CEPPG Workshop on Environment Simulation and Plant Phenotyping on May 24th-25th in IPK Gatersleben including guided tours through IPK phenotyping facilities.
UPDATE: Link to registration now available!
CAPTE Workshop

The CAPTE Workshop is an event dedicated to bridging the gap between science and industry by presenting the research work achieved in the past decade and by introducing the latest advancements in plant phenotyping tools and methods for an efficient use of remote sensing in agriculture.
[CALL FOR PAPERS] International Conference on Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production (DIGICROP)

With the CfP, we are seeking qualified presenters that engage the scientific audience on the topic of “Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production”. Presentations by industry experts are also highly welcome.
DIGICROP 2022 is a scientific event addressing an international and interdisciplinary audience working at the intersection of engineering, robotics, computer science, crop sciences, agricultural sciences, phenotyping, and economics.
Call for abstracts: Workshop - Trees & Forests Phenotyping

Following the great success of the November 2021 workshop, the Forest Phenotyping Working Group has the pleasure to invite you to the first workshop of 2022.
Virtual tour of the NaPPI phenotyping facility at University of Helsinki
NordPlant will arrange a virtual tour of the Finnish National Plant Phenotyping Infrastructure (NaPPI) facility in Helsinki.
NKJ NordCrop meeting: “Climate resilient crops in the North and beyond!”

NordCrop funded by Nordic Joint Committee for Agricultural and Food Research (NKJ) holds a meeting in Alnarp 10 March, tentatively as a hybrid meeting.
There will be a focus on abiotic stress in crops in Nordic conditions and also a focus on young researchers.
AI for Agriculture and Food Systems workshop

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from core AI/ML, robotics, sensing, cyber-physical systems, agriculture engineering, plant sciences, genetics, and bioinformatics communities to facilitate the increasingly synergistic intersection of AI/ML with agriculture and food systems.
36th AAAI - Conference on Artificial Intelligence
The purpose of the AAAI conference series is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in AI and its affiliated disciplines.
NaPPN Annual Conference

The North American Plant Phenotyping Network (NAPPN) is an association of scientists and researchers in the rapidly evolving area of plant phenomics, formed as a regional partner of the International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN).
Update (12.11.2021): The deadline for abstract and proceeding paper submission is still open until November 19th, 2021!
Winter School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping
7th Annual Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network Workshop
The program will include presentations from the project partners as well as invited keynote speakers. Registration deadline for the workshop is 31 December 2021.
Update: This event was shiftet into an online event by the organizers.
International Plant & Animal Genome XXIX
This is the largest ag-genomics meeting in the world with over 3,000 attendees. PAG XXIX will require ALL attendees to be fully vaccinated prior to arriving in San Diego.
The deadline for speaker nominations for two workshops (Plant Phenotyping Workshop & Challenges and Opportunities in Plant Science Data Management) at PAG XXIX until Thursday, October 1st!
Field Day: Leveraging Microbiomes in Agriculture
In this field day, Dr. Ben Holt, AgBiome, Inc., will discuss the challenges of putting microbes to work for human benefit, particularly with respect to plants. Then, Dr. Katie Summers, USDA ABBL, will describe the inter-kingdom communications that occur between the weanling pig’s gut bacteriome and mycobiome and how these affect piglet performance.
[WEBINAR] "Processing LiDAR for extracting forest phenotypic traits in different scales" (Prof. Lin Cao)- Presented by the IPPN Forest Phenotyping Working Group

Presented by the IPPN Forest Phenotyping Working Group:
Webinar by Professor Lin Cao (Nanjing Forest University)
Workshop: Trees & Forests Phenotyping
3rd NordPlant annual meeting: “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?
Among the highlights are presentation by Magnus Nordborg from the Gregor Mendel Institute in Austria, Eva Rosenqvist from UCPH, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann from NIBIO and David Percival from Dalhousie University in Canada, and a panel discussion on “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?” with Eva Rosenqvist, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann, Markku Keinänen, Morten Lillemo, Ove Nilsson and Rick van de Zedde.
18th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics
Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS2021)

This event targets to bring together a large group of academic and industrial Researchers and practitioners at the intersection of machine learning, cyber-physical systems, plant sciences and agriculture for two days of stimulating conversation and cross-pollination of ideas.
Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) Workshop at ICCV 2021
NCSU Hack-a-Thon (Free)

Join us for the NCSU Ag tech Hack-a-thon to accelerate agricultural sustainability using computer vision, robotics and more...
DAGM German Conference on Pattern Recognition
Seed meets Technology 2021

Seed meets Technology is an event where the focus is on innovative seed technology, variety assortment and adding value to horticultural seed. The initiators, together with other companies associated with the seed industry, want to strengthen the program of open days in week 39 with themes such as seed treatment, phenotyping, seed processing equipment, breeding support, sustainable crop protection and cultivation systems.
Technologies Touching Life

The five UKRI funded TTL networks – 3DBioNet, Imaging BioPro, Integrated Biological Imaging, Organ-on-a-Chip Technologies & PhenomUK - are jointly organising this two day event to show achievements made over the past three years and discuss future directions for the networks.
World Agri-Tech innovation Summit

The World Agri-Tech innovation Summit’s ninth global forum will bring together corporates, innovators and investors from across the agriculture and food production supply chain to uncover solutions and business models that will enable the transition to a low carbon economy.
Vertical Farming World Congress 2021

Bringing together vertical farming operators, investors, suppliers and customers, the 2nd annual Vertical Farming World Congress is designed to help develop and advance the sector’s future. The 2021 Congress is the most substantial dedicated event of the year, featuring two days of conference sessions, networking with key industry figures, virtual vertical farm tours, workshops and presentation of the 2021 Vertical Farming World Awards. For new entrants as well as industry leaders.
2nd Cologne Conference on Food for Future
GPZ: Neue Phänotypisierungsmethoden in der Zierpflanzenzüchtung

Australasian Seed Science Conference

Register for ASSC 2021 now to secure your spot at the discounted Early Bird rate.
Early Bird registration closes on Friday 13 August 2021.
POSTPONED: World Soybean Research Conference XI
ECMR 2021 Workshop on Agricultural Robotics and Automation
21st general congress Eucarpia

EUCARPIA the European Association for Plant Breeding, is a scientific association with the primary goal of fostering international cooperation in the field of plant breeding.
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Taras Pasternak

This is the PhenomicsWebinars' live session recording connected to Taras Pasternak's pre-recorded talk on "Plant phenotyping: From whole plant to sub-cellular resolution".
2021 Annual NAPB Meeting
We are excited to announce and open the registration for the 2021 Annual NAPB Meeting. We are looking forward to another exceptional annual meeting hosted by Cornell University.
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Hamed Mehdipoor
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Hela Chikh-Rouhou
IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Workshop: Plant Phenotyping with Minicomputers and Low-Cost Cameras
Plant Feature Extraction from 3D Point Clouds Workshop
SEB Annual Meeting 2021
Plant Biology Europe
World Soybean Research Conference XI
European Research and Innovation Days
ICAR 2021: The 31st International Conference on Arabidobsis Research
POSTPONED: 20th International Sunflower Conference
4th EPSO Seminar: “Post pollination development in plants"
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Samuel Oswald
Controlled Environment Plant Phenotyping Working Group (CEPPG) Meeting
The meeting will be held as a virtual meeting (Zoom Video Conference) for more information -or if you would like to receive an invitation, write an email to Ceppg@fz-juelich.de
Focus on digital plant imaging at CHAP’s Phenotyping Laboratory
Join this free 60-minute online webinar to learn about plant imaging and some of the advantages it offers for trait quantification and remote sensing in crops.
Virtual tour of the Biotron at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Robert R. Junker

Due to the ongoing effects of the pandemic on travel, the previously announced collaboration between ISRR11 and ROOTING2021 will now be a joint, entirely virtual meeting – “Root Biology Never Sleeps”.
21st Symposium of the European Grassland Federation
Advancing together: Enhancing quality of life through HortScience
Combined symposia of the IV. International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe (SHE), the V. International Humulus Symposium (IHS), the VIII. International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables (FAV Health) and the Annual Convention of the German Society for Horticultural Science
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Christophe Salon
9th ISHS Strawberry Symposium
EMBO Workshop: International plant systems biology
2nd EPSO Seminar: The Wonderful World of Plant Microbe Interactions’.
PhenomicsWebinars: "High-throughput estimates of the radiation interception and use efficiency in wheat crops" by Frederic Baret
Resilient Northern Crops Network (NordCrop)

The network funded by NKJ will investigate how we can exploit new genomic and phenotyping technologies to identify more robust genotypes in key Nordic field crops (wheat, oat, potato and fodder grasses).
Rothamsted Research-UNL Translational Plant Science Webinar

The topic is biotic stress resistance, and the speakers are Dr. Peter Eastmond of Rothamsted and our own Dr. Richard Wilson from the Department of Plant Pathology.
Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping VI
2021 Fridays Hands-On Workshop Series: “Setting up low-cost phenotyping platforms”

An online and free workshops where invited specialists will introduce the different applications and approaches in plant phenomics. The main focus of the proposed series of workshops, called “Fridays Hands-On Workshop Series,” will be data management and analysis
Spectro Expo
This event aims at gathering everyone involved in Spectroscopy or Imaging Spectroscopy, from sensor designers to endusers, covering all aspects from science and technology to applications.
PhenomicsWebinars Q&A with Bipin Pandey
Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2020
Exchange event between the European phenomic community & industry

On behalf of the Executive Committee of the EU project EPPN2020, we are pleased to invite you to the next knowledge exchange event between the European phenomic community and industry, at a joint event between EPPN2020 & Phenome taking place remotely (videoconference) on 19 March 2021. This will be the occasion to present the future European infrastructure for Phenomics, EMPHASIS.
Hydro2020: III International Symposium on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics: Innovation and Advanced Technology for Circular Horticulture
Inaugural EPSO Plant Science Seminar
17th PhenoRob Seminar Series
4th International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe
AgriTech 4.0: Day 2 Conference & Exhibition
2021 NAPPN Annual Conference

The 1st NAPPN Annual Conference will be held virtually, and highlight the most recent advances in the rapidly developing field of Plant Phenomics.
16th PhenoRob Seminar Series
COST Action Workshop: Remote sensing and plant phenotyping
Joint Webinar Series: Probing the Soil Microbiome for Sustainable Crop Production
AgriTech 4.0: Day 1 Conference & Exhibition
Intercropping for Sustainability
PhenoRob Seminar: Jan-Henrik Haunert & Armin Djamei
PhenomUK and Analytik Zoom Webinar – Ground and Airborne digital field phenotyping systems
PhenomUK/CHAP Workshop – The Applications of Pre-symptomatic Disease Detection in Crops,
The 6th Annual Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network Workshop
Phenomics Webinar: Field Session with Shawn C. Kefauver and Onno Muller
SEB Webinar: Quick Start Guide to Connecting with Industry
PhenomUK Seminar: Ubiquitous & Synchronous ‘Roots & Shoots’ imaging for Phenotyping & Controlled Environment agriculture
Training course: Tools for reproducible research
AG2PI Field Day: Virtual Communication & Engagement Across Disciplines
Global Bioeconomy Summit
Phenomics Webinar: Prof. Menachem Moshelion
Plant Genomics: Online
International Symposium on Climate-Resilient Agri-Environmental Systems (IS-CRAES)
DIGICROP 2020 - International Conference on Digital Technologies for Sustainable Crop Production
Phenomics Webinar: Session on Low-Cost Sensors and Vectors for Plant Phenotyping
Virtual Introduction: The 2020 Agricultural Genome to Phenome Inititative (AG2PI) Project
1st Brazilian Symposium on Photosynthesis
SEB Workshop: Getting Started with Interdisciplinary Collaboration
5th Annual P²IRC symposium
Agricultural Innovation and Adaptation to Climate Change
Farm to Fork 2020 conference - Building sustainable food systems together
State of the World’s Plants and Fungi Virtual Symposium
POSTPONED - 11th International Symposium on Grapevine Physiology and Biotechnology
PhenoRob Seminar
Borlaug Global Rust Initiative Technical Workshop 2020
Wheat Gene Catalogue Virtual Workshop
European Research & Innovation Days 2020
Phenomics Webinar: Salinity Session with Jasper Lamers and Mariam Awalia
Fridays Hands-On: A Workshop Series in Data+Plant Sciences
Open Online Introduction to R Course
World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit
POSTPONED - World Soybean Research Conference XI
Phenomics Webinar by Dr. Roland Schafleitner (World Vegetable Center, Taiwan)
ECCV 2020 Workshop: Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2020)
PhenoRob Seminar Series with Prof. Ulrich Schwaneberg and Mark Hoffmann
Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit
POSTPONED - 4th Integrated Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting (IPAP)
Phenomics Webinar by Dr. Nadia Al-Tamimi (University College Dublin)
POSTPONED - SEB Annual Meeting 2020
POSTPONED - Hackaton plant phenotyping with minicomputers and low-cost cameras

Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, this event is postponed to postponed to July 2021, Anger, France
POSTPONED - Summer School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping
Due to the global COVID-19 outbreak, this event is postponed to February 2021.
Phenomics Webinar: "Advances in Root Phenotyping" by Malcolm Bennett
POSTPONED - Rooting 2020: 9th International Symposium on Root Development
POSTPONED - 20th International Sunflower Conference
Phenomics Webinar by Menachem Moshelion
POSTPONED - IV International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2020
Phenomics Webinar by Uli Schurr
Online course: Image Analysis Methods for Biologists
Phenomics Webinar: "Phenomics, MetaPhenomics, and the many ways plants acclimate to growth light intensity" by Hendrik Poorter
SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing — New Digital Fourm

SPIE Defense + Commercial Sensing showcases the latest research and advancements in sensors, infrared technology, laser systems, spectral imaging, radar, LIDAR, AI/machine learning, and more. Leaders come to learn from and collaborate with other experts working on materials, components, systems, and analytics for defense, security, and commercial applications. Learn more
VitisGen2 Webinar: A low-cost core genome marker platform that works well across the diverse Vitis genus

A novel genome marker platform called rhAmpSeq delivers 2000 markers from 22,000 individuals covering 97% of the core grape genome. It increased transferability of DNA markers across the Vitis genus from previous SNP-based platforms from 2% to 91%. In this webinar, we will present some challenges with previous marker platforms, our approach to marker design, some exciting results, and our strategy to make this marker platform openly accessible and useful for the grape community. This platform should be of broad interest to biologists and plant breeders.
Webinar: Best practice in training and communication
POSTPONED - Plant Biology and Biotechnology 2020
Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, this event is postponed to 11-13 November 2020.
Webinar: Practical Tips for Stepping Up Your Science Communications
World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit

The World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit, San Francisco is a great opportunity to showcase your expertise and position your company as the partner of choice in the development and commercialization of new solutions in precision agriculture, resource efficiency, biological crop protection and ag-biotech.
Webinar: Course design and delivery: guidance and tips for impactful training
InterDrought VI - 2020 (IDVI)

The Sixth International Conference focussed on plant production in water-limited environments InterDrought VI - 2020 (IDVI), will be held March 9-13, 2020 in Mexico City.
Phenome 2020
World Biodiversity Forum
Training Workshop on Data Management for Wheat Phenotyping Data
PhenoRob Female Talk Symposium
Digital Breeding - International Symposium of the Society for Plant Breeding
Workshop: Nordic Plant Genetic Resources Enhancement in a changing climate - Public-Private Partnerships in Pre-Breeding
Plantae Webinar: Preparing your Manuscript for Submission
Crop modelling for Agriculture and Food Security under Global Change
Postgraduate course: Chemical Communication
Food for the Future: Accelerating the Protein Transition
PlantComp 2020: Workshop on plant sensing and computing
Advanced course: Statistical tools for plant phenomic data analysis
Root Ecology - International postgraduate course
Webinar: Drone-Based Phenotyping Using Micasense and mapEO

By combining world class analytics and easy to use drone technology you can scale up your seed and agronomy expertise.
3rd WURomics Symposium Advances in Plant and Food Metabolomics
Webinar: Deep Learning and SfM: a promising framework for agricultural automation – an example with grapes (and some apples)

Thiago Santos from the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Embrapa, will present a webinar, "Deep Learning and SfM: a promising framework for agricultural automation – an example with grapes (and some apples)," on Tuesday, December 10, 2019 at 3:00pm/15:00h BRT (UTC -3:00) as part of the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Agricultural Robotics and Automation's (AgRA) webinar series.
Conference: Impact of Chromatin Domains on Plant Phenotypes
Webinar: International Discussion on Using Data Science for Plant Genomics and Phenomics
BBI JU Stakeholder Forum 2019
International Symposium: Microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges and needs
H2020 DRAGON Training School
Plant-Microbe Microscopy Workshop
Agricultural Genomics 2019 - Big Data for Better Agriculture
Webinar: UAVs and Satellites for Agriculture
1st NordPlant Annual Meeting
4th Biostimulants World Congress
International Conference on Integrative Plant Physiology
6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium (IPPS2019)
Plant Genomes in a Changing Environment
CEPLAS Symposium 2019
XXIVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference
Webinar: How to get the most value from UAV plant phenotyping
Webinar: Artificial intelligence and hyperspectral imaging for high-throughput plant phenotyping
International Symposium on Integrative Bioinformatics 2019
Second International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems
Plants, People, Planet Symposium
Summer School: (Bio)Data-Science
Plant Biology 2019
1st International Wheat Congress
Wheat Initiative
Wheat Initiative
Wheat Initiative training course on the use of UAV-based phenotyping in wheat research and wheat breeding
INVITE 1st Stakeholder workshop on Low-cost sensors and vectors for variety testing
INVITE H2020 project
This workshop will focus on low-cost sensor and vector technologies for variety testing. Registration is free but mandatory before 14th June!
Summer School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping - 2019
11th European Plant Science Retreat
IAMPS 2019 : International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences
Summer School in Plant Phenotyping
New Phytologist Trust – Interaction networks and trait evolution
Translational Photosynthesis Conference 2019
4th International Brachypodium Conference
15th International Rapeseed Congress
Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2019)
NordForsk supported Nova PhD course
Transatlantic Summer School - Frontiers in Plant Sciences
EMBO Practical Course: Functional live imaging of plants
Special Session: Sensor and Systems in Smart Farming
Workshop: Root Phenotyping from Field to Lab
NordPlant - Workshop on phenotyping standards
EGU General Assembly 2019
GFIA – Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture
InfoAg International Conference & Exhibition
World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit
15th Gatersleben Research Conference (#GRC2019) on Applied Bioinformatics in Crops
evoke AG
Plant 2019--International Conference on Plant, Cellular, and Molecular Biology
Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society
Phenome 2019
Webinar series: imaging and plant phenotyping
7th Imaging Work Group Webinar
2018 Annual NPPN Workshop
ICAB 2018: 20th International Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology
2018 ASA CSSA Meeting
Nottingham Image Analysis Methods for Biologists Online Course
5th International Rice Conference
5th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium
Spectro Expo
2018 Training Course on High-Throughput Wheat Phenotyping
Plant Phenotyping Forum: The Role of Austria and Eastern Europe in Agricultural Production
Field Techniques Workshop
BMVC 2018 Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2018)
EMPHASIS Field Phenomics Workshop
Workshop for future Junior Group Leaders (f/m): “Careers in plant science”
The Italian plant phenotyping landscape and the other international initiatives
de.NBI Summer School: “Riding the Data Life Cycle”
3rd International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting 2018
IAPB 2018: International Association for Plant Biotechnology Congress
XXX International Horticultural Congress
International Academic Course--Plant Functional Phenotyping: From Basic Research to Crop Production
XII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding and Genetics
Plant Biology 2018
International Summer School “Data Management in Environmental & Earth Science Infrastructures: Theory & Practice”
10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR10)
International SPS Conference 2018: Plant Sciences for the Future
Summer School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping
Vienna International Science Conferences & Events Association (VISCEA): Four conferences in July 2018
ICAR 2018: The International Conference on Arabidopsis Research
Course: Statistical analysis for new phenotyping techniques

The statistical analysis techniques will be presented in lectures by experts from Wageningen University & Research and University of Queensland. The lectures will be complemented by hands-on computer training using R.
6th IPPN Imaging webinar: Ian Stavness - Deep Learning Approaches for Image Segmentation and Object Counting in Plant Phenotyping
Plant Biology Europe 2018 FESPB/EPSO
NOVA PhD course series: "Phenotyping Technologies in Plant-environment Interactions - Integrated Analysis of Omics Data” -- 5 ECTS
NPPN Field Day at the University of Copenhagen's research farm in Taastrup on 25 April 2018
Registration deadline: 10 April 2018
2nd APPN & EPPN2020 Meeting
Registration deadline: 6 April 2018
2nd Asia-Pacific Plant Phenotyping Conference
Phenome 2018
Webinar: Malia Gehan Title: Quantifying Variation of Crop Resilience Under Temperature Stress
International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods in the Plant Sciences (IAMPS)
African Crop Science Society Conference
CORBEL webinar

Date: February 6, 2018 at 15:30 CET
Title: Lightweight Service Management for Research Infrastructures: FitSM Approach
Speaker: Sy Holsinger (EGI Foundation)
Summary: To meet customer needs and provide valuable services, it is important to maintain a high quality of service, which requires a well-structured approach to how the service is managed. This one hour webinar will provide a clear-cut view of how service management, and the lightweight approach provided by the FitSM standard, is suitable for distributed, federated and research services. (more information here)
Link for registration: http://www.corbel-project.eu/webinars/fitsm-approach.html
3rd Annual Nordic Plant Phenotyping Workshop
MixOmics Autumn School 2017
Plant Phenotyping Workshop: Integrating the European Plant Phenotyping Community
Food Chains--Fit for the Future? Food Chain Alliance Meeting
4th Conference of Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding jointly organized by EUCARPIA Cereal Section
APPN Workshop on Multispectral 3D Plant Imaging
The workshop is powered by PHENOSPEX and will take place October 12th & 13th 2017 at the Vienna Biocenter. Registration DEADLINE for scanning your samples: 1st Sept 2017.
More informationCOST WG1 / EPPN2020 Workshop: Current and Future Applications of Phenotyping for Plant Breeding
Current and future applications of phenotyping for plant breeding
Plants develop by a complex interaction of genotypes with the environments which determines their structure and function and thus essential performance parameters such as yield, productivity or efficient use of resources. To understand these fundamental processes we need to quantitatively assess the phenotype and generate a link to the genotype in order to understand the genetic basis.
Plant 2030 Academy: GCBN de.NBI User Training - Summer School 2017
The Summer School in Gatersleben September 25-27 is organized in collaboration with the German Crop BioGreenformatics Network of the German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure (GCBN/de.NBI). The course provides hands-on introduction to useful bioinformatics tools for biologists with little or no previous knowledge. The training will enable biologists to process their own small and large datasets using R and Linux based methods and is entirely computer-based with interspersed lectures.
XVI Brazilian Congress of Plant Physiology
The congress will feature key note lectures and thematic sessions in which students will have the opportunity to stand side by side with well-known plant physiologists, sharing the same space and enjoying a refreshing and inspiring atmosphere of ideas.
Second Latin-American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics (II LAPhPB)
The Second Latin-American Conference on Plant Phenotyping and Phenomics (II LAPhPB) aims to bring scientists from all over the world to discuss the current trends in plant phenotyping and to strengthen the Latin-American Plant Phenomics Network built during the first conference, which took place at the University of Talca (Chile) in 2015.
8th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics
The 8th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG) will be hosted by Hungary between 18-22 September 2017. The venue of the conference is Hotel Azúr, a conference centre and wellness hotel on the southern shore of lake Balaton, in the city of Siófok.
Botanikertagung 2017
The Botanikertagung is an International Conference on Plant Sciences that will next be held in Kiel, Germany, 2017 from September 17 to 21. The conference comprises four days of exciting presentations, including keynote lectures, poster sessions and workshops. An evening lecture open to the public will address the suitability of our crop plants for feeding the increasing world population.
Plant Phenomics Phridays: Fall 2017 Seminar Series
Runs from 8 September until 27 October.
ISTRO – International Soil Tillage Research Organisation
Workshop on Grassland and Tillage Visual Soil Evaluation
On behalf of ISTO, SSSI and PPN-Ireland, UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering is organising a workshop on soil visual evaluation applied to tillage and grassland agriculture.
2017 Eduard Strasburger Workshop Two Genomes in One Cell: Communication and Conflict
Polyploidization is one of the vital events in the life history of land plants. In this workshop, we focus on the origin of polyploidization and how genetic information from diverse genomic backgrounds is integrated, regulated and maintained in progenies.
The Strasburger Workshop 2017 will gather breeders as well as evolutionary biologists, ecologists, and developmental biologists and will encompass in-depth seminars and discussions to strengthen further understanding of genome plasticity. This workshop especially offers young scientists an opportunity to exchange their experiences and techniques as well as gather knowledge while exploring the principles underlying the union of two genomes in one cell.
SUSTAIN -- International Conference on Manipulating the Plant Microbiome for Sustainable Plant Production in a Changing World
Trinity College Dublin are organising an international conference on endophytes, taking place from 28-29th August 2017 in the historic setting of Ireland’s oldest and most prestigious university.
The two-day conference will be centred on the core themes of manipulating the plant microbiome for sustainable plant production in a changing world and will highlight cutting-edge research using endophytes and will synthesise the most promising approaches to endophyte supported plant production.