Summer School on Multivariate data analysis methods
for biological data using the R package mixOmics (passed)
>> Group PICTURE of the mixOmics School
12th - 14th of September 2016
Toulouse, France
Are you struggling with understanding and analyzing large and complex biological data sets? The Toulouse
GenoToul Biostat platform, the Laboratory of Plant-Microbe Interactions and the Plant Science Research
Laboratory are organizing a Summer School within the EU COST Action “The quest for tolerant varieties:
phenotyping at plant and cellular level (FA1306) ( The
course will provide both theory and hands-on training focusing on multivariate data analysis and dimension
data reduction for biological studies.
The objective of this Summer School is to introduce the fundamental concepts of multivariate dimension reduction methodologies. Those methods are particularly useful for data exploration and integration of large data sets, and especially in the context of systems biology, or in research areas where statistical data integration is required. Each methodology that will be presented during the course will be applied on biological “omics” studies including transcriptomics, metabolomics and proteomics data sets using the R package mixOmics
Organized by
GenoToul Biostat platform (
Laboratory of Plant-microbe Interactions (LIPM,
Plant Science Research Laboratory (LRSV,