Author Info

Author Information

Papers and extended abstracts formats

We follow closely the ECCV 2020 formatting and submission guidelines, however using a different webpage on the CMT paper submission site, see link below, and of course different deadlines. The peer-review process is double blind, as usual, in order to ensure unbiased reviews and highest paper quality.

Please prepare your paper using the following LaTeX paper template: It is a marginally edited version of the eccv 2020 author kit.

For review, choose the author blind “submission review” formatted template in the zip archive and compile a PDF paper. It should look like the cvppp2020submission.pdf example in the zip archive, with line numbers on either side. The document cvppp2020submission.pdf contains many details and examples on how to prepare your manuscript and how to best ensure double blindness.

Papers must not be larger than 30MB. Papers with more than 14 pages (excluding references), or that use a formatting different from the provided template, will be rejected without review.

Paper submission and registration are handled on CMT. Paper registration is performed by registering as a user with CMT and entering a paper title and abstract. This will result in the allocation of a “paper ID”, which indicates registration is completed and should be used in preparation of the review copy. You will be able to make edits and upload new paper drafts until the final deadline. Submitted papers should be prepared according to the published specification for formatting and style. Please be sure to read both the formatting instructions and policies before submission.

Please register and submit at (submission closed).

Late breaking papers on the Global Wheat Challenge, please register and submit at

For extended abstracts not going into ECCV workshop proceedings, you may switch to double column layout, by adding the command ‘twocolumn’ after ‘begin{document}’. Please note, that this is not allowed for full papers.


Due to Covid-19 ECCV and its workshops will be held online ( Current plans are:

  • All papers, oral or poster, will have a pre-recorded video presentation, made available together with the paper to the attendees about a week before the workshop day
  • Every workshop will have some scheduled individual interaction time during the workshop day
  • This time will be split in two parts to allow attendees from all over the world to attend in good conditions



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IPPN Working Group: Imaging for Phenotyping

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Some example images from data set