

Global Wheat Challenge

We are happy to announce to run for the first time the Global Wheat Challenge, a  new CVPPP challenge of wheat ear counting organized by Ian Stavness.

Please feel free to submit your GWC solutions as extendend abstract or full paper!

Leaf Segmentation and Counting Challenges

Both of our permanently running challenges are now available on CodaLab. The Leaf Segmentation Challenge (LSC) from CVPPP 2017 at ICCV is online available at CodaLab under challenge number 18405. The Leaf Counting challenge (LCC) is currently under construction on CodaLab.

Please feel free to submit your novel LSC or LCC solutions as extendend abstract or full paper!

Organized by

IPPN Working Group: Imaging for Phenotyping

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Some example images from data set