April 21-24, 2009
Discovery Centre CSIRO, Canberra Australia
>> Special Issue:
Functional Plant Biology
Volume 36 Number 10 & 11 2009
1st International Plant Phenomics Symposium : from Gene to Form and Function
The First International Plant Phenomics Symposium was a timely meeting of plant biologists focussed on using plant phenomcis and functional genomics to address crop productivity. This conference was a particularly significant occasion for a number of reasons:
It was the first International Symposium of its type - and the first time a group with diverse interests in plant structure and function have come together under a phenomics banner. The meeting was planned to help promote phenomics approaches and encourage development and spread of new techniques. The proceedings will be published in a special issue of the journal Functional Plant Biology and we expect it to have significant impact;
It was the first major scientific event of the High Resolution Plant Phenomics Centre, the Canberra node of the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility. The Facility represents a significant investment by the Australian government and partners in scientific infrastructure; and
It launched a collaborative approach to international plant phenomics.