ICCV 2017 Workshop on
Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2017)
October 28, 2017, Venice, Italy
Website: http://www.plant-phenotyping.org/CVPPP2017
In conjunction with ICCV 2017 ( http://iccv2015.thecvf.com )
Important Dates:
* Submission due (full paper or 1 page abstract): June 28 (Wed)
* Notification of acceptance: Aug 10 (Thu)
* Camera-ready (full papers only): Aug 24 (Thu)
* Workshop date: Oct 28 (Sat)
Background: Plant Phenotyping
After the successful CVPPP 2014 (at ECCV) and 2015 (BMVC), CVPPP returns at the year’s major computer vision conference (ICCV) in 2017. The goal of CVPPP is to showcase and address computer vision challenges in plant phenotyping. Plant phenotyping is the identification of effects on the phenotype (ie., plant appearance, structure and behavior) as a result of genotype differences (ie., differences in the genetic code) and the environmental conditions a plant has been exposed to. Knowledge of plant phenotypes is a key ingredient of knowledge-based bioeconomy, which not only literally helps efforts to feed the world, but is also essential for feed, fibre and fuel production.
Unfortunately, without automated and accurate computer vision to extract the phenotypes, a bottleneck is encountered, hampering our understanding of plant biology.
Scope of the Workshop:
The overriding goal of CVPPP is to identify key but unsolved problems, expose the current state-of-the-art, and broaden the field and the community. Since plant phenotyping is an important aspect of agriculture and will support the sustainability of our planet and its inhabitants, having new vision scientists enter this field is more crucial than ever.
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* advances in segmentation, tracking, detection, reconstruction and identification methods that address unsolved plant phenotyping scenarios
* open source implementation, comparison and discussion of existing methods and annotation tools
* image data sets defining plant phenotyping challenges, complete with annotations if appropriate, accompanied with benchmark methods if possible, and suitable evaluation methods
Associated with the workshop will be related computer vision challenges (publicly available May 5 2017):
We are looking forward to practical and inspiring computer vision solutions for images stemming from plant phenotyping applications from the broad CV community!
Further Information and Submission Guidelines:
We welcome both
Further information about the workshop, author instructions, submission guidelines, and the challenge are available at: