Sala Welles, Palazzo Casino, 14:00 -- 18:00
Session 1 |
14:00 |
Welcome |
14:10 |
Invited/Keynote Talk (sponsored by PhenoSpex): Fine-grained recognition of plant species from images |
Jiri Matas (Center for Machine Perception, CTU Prague, Czech Republic) |
Regular Papers (Lightning Talks) |
14:40 |
Automated Stem Angle Determination for Temporal Plant Phenotyping Analysis |
S. D. Choudhury, S. Goswami, S. Bashyam, A. Samal, T. Awada |
14:45 |
Locating Crop Plant Centers From UAV-Based RGB Imagery |
Y. Chen, J. Ribera, C. Boomsma, E. Delp |
14:50 |
An easy-to-setup 3D phenotyping platform for KOMATSUNA dataset |
H. Uchiyama, S. Sakurai, M. Mishima, D. Arita, T. Okayasu, A. Shimada, R.-I. T. Kyushu |
14:55 |
Drought Stress Classification using 3D Plant Models |
S. Srivastava, S. Bhugra, B. Lall, S. Chaudhary |
15:00 |
Deep Learning for Multi-task Plant Phenotyping |
M. P. Pound, J. Atkinson, D. Wells, T. Pridmore, A. French |
15:05 |
ARIGAN: Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants Using Generative Adversarial Network |
M. V. Giuffrida, H. Scharr, S. Tsaftaris |
Best Challenge Contributions (Lightning Talks) |
15:10 |
Leveraging Multiple Datasets for Deep Leaf Counting |
A. Dobrescu, M. V. Giuffrida, S. Tsaftaris |
15:15 |
Leaf Counting with Deep Convolutional and Deconvolutional Networks |
S. Aich, I. Stavness |
15:20 |
Afternoon Break and Posters |
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Connecting different field sensors for plant analysis on a meta level (abstract) |
S. Paulus, B. Niehaus |
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Particle Level Set Tracking for Low Resolution X-ray CT Image Data of Plant Root Systems in Soil (abstract) |
S. Mairhofer, T. Pridmore, M. Bennett, S. Mooney, C. Sturrock, M. Griffiths, J. Atkinson, B. Atkinson |
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Bringing phenotyping to the farm: an evaluation of 3d reconstruction of plants in outdoor environement (abstract) |
D. Colliaux, P. Hanappe |
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HyperPatches - a pipeline for reconstructing 3D plant models with registered hyperspectral data (abstract) |
A. Lowe, A. P. French, N. Harrison |
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Low-cost assessment for early vigor and canopy cover estimation in durum wheat using RGB images (abstract) |
J. A Fernandez-Gallego, S. C. Kefauver, N. A. Gutiérrez, M. T. Nieto-Taladriz, J. L. Araus |
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Pasture biomass estimation using an image processing approach to LiDAR data processing (abstract) |
J. Fourie, J. Hsiao; K. Irie, K. Ghamkhar |
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Fast Visual Hull Extraction at High Resolution (abstract) |
H. Scharr, C. Briese, A. Fischbach, F. Fiorani, M. Müller-Linow |
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Hyperspectral image segmentation of plants grown under real world conditions – sub plant level segmentation to deal with variability in illumination (abstract) |
D. Williams, A. Britten, H. Jones, A. Karley, S. McCallum, C. Hackett, M. Aitkenhead, K. Loades, J. Graham |
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Using Stereo Imaging to Determine Phenotypic Parameters of Cereal Crops in the Field (abstract) |
M. Theiss, M. Müller-Linow, U. Rascher, F. Fiorani |
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Ear density estimation in wheat crops from high resolution RGB images and deep learning methods (abstract) |
S. Madec, F. Baret, S. Liu, X. Jin, B. De Solan |
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Photometric Stereo Technique Suitability Study for Plant Phenotyping (abstract) |
G. Bernotas, L. C. Scorza, M. Hansen, L. Smith, K. Halliday, A. McCormick, M. L. Smith | |
Session 2 |
16:50 |
Invited/Keynote Talk (sponsored by LemnaTec): Learning to segment and count leaves (and other objects) sequentially |
Bernardino Romera-Paredes (Google Deepmind) |
17:20 |
Invited/Keynote Talk (sponsored by LemnaTec): Scalable and Reproducible Scientific Image Informatics |
B.S. Manjunath (Bioinformatics Center, University of California, Santa Barbara) |
17:50 |
Closing Remarks / Discussion |
18:00 |
Adjurn |