Registration Instructions for the 2nd general COST MEETING

        18th - 20th of April 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark

        Registration deadline: 31 of March 2016 (>> Registration passed!)
        Submission deadline for abstracts: Passed!


        Abstracts that follow the Abstract Template (see below) should directly upload via the following link:   (this is the most acceptable way!)

        or you can submit the abstract to >> !

        Template ( >> pdf downloaddoc download )

        Abstract title [14pt, Bold]

         First Author1, Second Author2, and Third Author1,3

         [12pt; Presenting author underlined; Full first and last name, middle initials]

         1 Affiliation [10pt, Italic]

         2 One affiliation per line and number

         3 Indicate according affiliation number(s) as superscript after Author’s Name

        Your Abstract should be entered here in the standard font Times New Roman, 12pt. The Abstract should neither be referenced nor contain tables, figures or uncommon abbreviations.

        The overall length of the Abstract is limited to one A4 page with 3 cm top and bottom margins and 2.5 cm left and right margins. The Abstract will not be reformatted or corrected after submission. Any text that exceeds one A4 page with the present formatting will be deleted.

         Please upload your abstract in this format (as Word document) via the  >> registration page at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.

        The deadline for submission of Abstracts is February 15, 2016 and within a month from that date the corresponding author will be informed about whether the contribution will be a talk or a poster.