Making an application (Preparation)
The following notes are designed to help applicants preparing a submission for a STSM associated with COST FA1306.
- Check the COST web site for details of STSM requirements.
- Ensure your application contains all the required documentation
- A fully completed COST STSM application form
- A full CV – include details of academic achievements and specific details of practical and theoretical experience which relates to the application
- A detailed but concise work plan which should include
- A short and clear introductory section providing background to the project so that the assessors can appreciate your understanding and see how the proposed work relates and develops from existing knowledge. This section should effectively end with a clear statement of the project aim which if appropriate should be supported by specific objectives.
- An outline of the methodology and experimental design of the project to be undertaken, including indication of an experimental timescale. From this section the assessors need to determine in a practical sense what will be undertaken during the STSM and importantly if what is proposed is realistic within the project timescale.
- How the work undertaken in the host institution will be taken forward on return to your home institution.
- A letter from the host institution, signed appropriately. Remember you need to ask a host institution if it is possible for them to support a STSM project
- A letter from the applicant supervisor or line manager from their home institution supporting the application. The letter should include a view of the ability of the applicant and how participation in an STSM will support the applicant and the host institution.
- Statement of motivation from the applicant. This should clearly outline why the applicant wishes to take part in an STSM and how participation would help develop their skill and experience base and potentially enhance their career development.
- A detailed explanation/breakdown of the living expenses with application
- Clearly indicate in which WG your project fits.
- For application use the online registration/submission tool:
Ensure that in parallel all the necessary documentation (see point 2) reaches Dr. Astrid Junker ( and Dr. Andreas Voloudakis (, (the members of COST FA1306 responsible for STSMs) in electronic format by the published deadline.