3rd general COST MEETING (passed)
EMPHASIS Workshop (passed)
27th - 28th of March 2017 3rd General COST Meeting, 29th of March 2017 EMPHASIS Workshop
Abstract-Book: >> download as pdf-File
POSTER-Book: >> download as pdf-File (ca. 80MB)
Program: >> download as pdf-File
Pictures of the 3rd cost general meeting (Oeiras)
Location: Oeiras, Portugal
CONTACT eMail: costfa1306@fz-juelich.de
The third general meeting of COST action FA1306 with the title
"Field phenotyping technologies from woody perennials to annual crops"
was held at ITQB-NOVA (AGRO-Tech campus in Oeiras) http://www.itqb.unl.pt/ .
Elisa Liras (Bayer, Crop Science division): Phenotyping at Bayer HyperCare Farms.
Anna Kicherer (Institute for Grapevine Breeding Geilweilerhof): Phenotyping challenges in grapevine breeding.
Lorenzo León (IFAPA Centro): Olive phenotyping in breeding programs: achievements and prospects.
A visit to "Casal da Manteiga" (vineyard) was included!
>> COSTFA1306 3rd general COST MEETING Program
Corporate Sponsors
29th of March 2017:
Status of plant phenotyping in a country/region.
Interactive workshop: Establishment of pan-European infrastructure
>> See also the emphasis website.
CiB - Centro de Informação de Biotecnologia
INIAV, Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária
COST FA1306:
We had organized a general meeting in Oeiras/Lisboa with special attention to field phenotyping (but not restricted to field phenotyping): Plenary sessions (all participants WG1, WG2, WG3) and working sessions.
EMPHASIS Workshop: Integrating the European plant phenotyping community.
EMPHASIS aims to establish a sustainable and innovative pan-European infrastructure for plant phenotyping within the framework of ESFRI.
EMPHASIS: European Infrastructure for Multi-Scale Plant Phenotyping And Simulation for Food Security in a Changing Climate.
EMPHASIS Website: https://emphasis.plant-phenotyping.eu