High-throughput estimates of the radiation interception and use efficiency in wheat crops
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Biomass results from the accumulation of the assimilates produced by the photosynthesis. The efficiency with which the incoming radiation is transformed into biomass depends on two terms: the radiation interception efficiency (RIE) and the Radiation use efficiency (RUE). The first term, RIE, quantifies the fraction of photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by the canopy. It can be accurately estimated in the field from high-throughput measurements of the green fraction (GF) at 0° and 45° inclined directions. GF can be estimated from several systems including high-resolution RGB cameras, LiDAR or multispectral cameras. The second term, RUE, quantifies the efficiency with which the intercepted radiation is transformed into biomass. Its computation requires measurements or estimates of the total biomass, which currently is difficult to get accurately from high-throughput observations. This presentation draws the main advantages and limits of these techniques.
Speaker Information
Short Bio:
Frederic Baret received a PhD in the use of remote sensing for crop monitoring in 1986. He is currently research Director at INRAE, and invited professor at Nanjing Agricultural University. He coordinated several National and European projects. He is involved in the development of radiative transfer models at several scales (soil, leaf, canopy) and their use for the retrieval of vegetation biophysical variables. He developed retrieval algorithms (CYCLOPES, GEOV1, GEOV2, GEOV3, Sentinel-2) from satellite and airborne sensors as well as close range remote sensing. He is deeply involved in the validation of remote sensing products and chaired the CEOS/LPV working group. He recently expanded his activity on high throughput phenotyping with the development of measurement systems as well as interpretation methods. He is in charge of the development of phenotyping methods in field conditions within the French Plant Phenotyping Network (PHENOME www.phenome-emphasis.fr) project. This includes the application of IoTs (sensors on fixed positions), phenomobiles (fully automatic robot rover) as well as the development of drone observations. He authored more than 255 research papers (h=61 from WoK).