
Installation Name Installation Location Country Installation Categories Link to Map
2D-RSAT Nottingham United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
4PMI INRA, Dijon France platform under controlled environment Map
Advanced Plant Growth Centre Dundee, United Kingdom United Kingdom high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
Aeroponics Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium platform under controlled environment, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
AFI lab CNR ISAFOM, Italy Italy cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform Map
AFI Lab - Agrifood Imaging Laboratory CNR ISAFOM, Portici Italy cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform Map
Agricultural Research and Development Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln high - intensity field platform Map
AGRIFOOD IMAGING LABORATORY CNR ISAFOM Italy cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform Map
AgriLife Research Facility Texas A&M platform under controlled environment Map
Agrobios Plant Scanalyzer (APS) Metaponto di Bernalda, Matera, Basilicata Italy platform under controlled environment Map
Anadiag Traitfinder Phenospex Tortona Italy Information systems for plant phenotyping, platform under controlled environment Map
APPP-A (small plants) IPK Gatersleben Germany platform under controlled environment Map
APPP-B (medium-sized plants) IPK Gatersleben Germany platform under controlled environment Map
APPP-C (large plants) IPK Gatersleben Germany platform under controlled environment Map
APV (Agri-Photovoltaik) Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
ArduCrop Canberra ACT Australia lean (cost efficient) field platform Map
Beadle Center University of Nebraska-Lincoln platform under controlled environment, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
Bellwether Phenotyping Facility Donald Danforth Plant Science Center United States high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Bluvision Macro IPK Gatersleben Germany cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Bluvision Micro IPK Gatersleben Germany cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
BreedFACE Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Controlled Environment Phenotyping Facility Purdue University high-throughput phenotyping facility, modelling platform, platform under controlled environment, Information systems for plant phenotyping Map
DroughtSpotter Heerlen Netherlands platform under controlled environment Map
DroughtSpotter - Australian Plant Phenomics Facility Adelaide Australia platform under controlled environment Map
Dynapheno Aarhus University Denmark platform under controlled environment Map
ENVIRATRON Iowa State University high-throughput phenotyping facility, Information systems for plant phenotyping, modelling platform, platform under controlled environment Map
ExpoSCREEN Munich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
FieldCOP Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Fieldglider Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
FieldLift Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
FieldPhen Foggia, Italy Italy Map
Fieldship Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Fieldweasel Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Fitness-SCREEN Helmholtz Zentrum München, Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology Germany platform under controlled environment, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
FLOXbox Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Fraunhofer - PhenoCT Fürth Germany high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Functional Phenomics at the Israeli Center of Research Excellence (iCORE) facility – powered by Plantarray Platform The Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel platform under controlled environment Map
Greenhouse Innovation Center UNL, Lincoln, Nebraska United States platform under controlled environment Map
Greenhouse Innovation Complex University of Nebraska-Lincoln platform under controlled environment, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
GrowScreen-Agar1 Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
GrowScreen-Agar 2 Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
GrowScreen-PaGe Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
GrowScreen-Rhizo 1 Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
GrowScreen-Rhizo 3 Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
GrowscreenChamber Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
HAS-RSDS (middle size plants) Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary Hungary platform under controlled environment Map
HeliPod – Airborne Thermography & Imaging Canberra ACT Australia high - intensity field platform Map
HiDeR Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
HIDeR - Hyperspectral Imaging Device for Rhizotrons Forschungszentrum Jülich platform under controlled environment, chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
HiTMe Bordeaux France cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
HyperLab Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
HyPlant Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
HyScreen Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
IGDB Field HTP Platform Beijing China high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
ILVO - Rainout Shelter Melle Belgium high - intensity field platform Map
Indiana Corn and Soybean Innovation Center Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana United States high - intensity field platform Map
Intact Plant MRI Wageningen NMR Centre Netherlands platform under controlled environment Map
Integrated Phenotyping Laboratory University of Nottingham United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
JAAS Field HTP Platform Jilin China high-throughput phenotyping facility, high - intensity field platform Map
Landlab Phenotyping Platform 36050 Quinto Vicentino - Vicenza - Italy- Italy high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Large Plant Platform Aberystwyth United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
LIFT Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) von Samen und Pflanzen: IPK Gatersleben Germany cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform Map
Maricopa Agricultural Center and USDA Arid Land Research Station University of Arizona-Maricopa United States high - intensity field platform Map
McGill Plant Phenomics Platform (MP3) McGill University high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
Metabolomics Platform IPK Gatersleben Germany chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
MetaPheno Laboratory Shanghai China high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
MiniPlots Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Mobile NMR sensor Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
Nanfan Field HTP Platform Sanya China high-throughput phenotyping facility, high - intensity field platform Map
NaPPI large plant unit University of Helsinki Finland platform under controlled environment Map
NaPPI small plant unit University of Helsinki Finland platform under controlled environment Map
NARO Phenotyping Centre NARO, Tsukuba Japan high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
NEAU Plant Phenotyping Park Harbin China high - intensity field platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility, modelling platform, platform under controlled environment Map
Netherlands Plant Eco-phenotyping Centre (NPEC) Wageningen, The Netherlands Netherlands high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
Nottingham HTP Ionomics Nottingham, UK United Kingdom chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
NRP Automated Crop Phenotyping Platform Norwich United Kingdom high - intensity field platform Map
Nutrient Flow Aberystwyth United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
Olophen Centre of the Region Haná or Biotechnological and Agricultural Research (Palacký University in Olomouc) Czech Republic platform under controlled environment Map
Opensimroot Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany modelling platform Map
Pheno3C INRA, Clermont-Ferrand France platform under controlled environment Map
PHENOARCH Montpellier France platform under controlled environment Map
PHENODYN Montpellier France platform under controlled environment Map
PhenoFIELD Beauce la Romaine, Val de Loire France platform under controlled environment Map
PhenoLab University of Copenhagen Denmark platform under controlled environment, cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
Phenomobile ARVALIS France high - intensity field platform Map
Phenomobile Lite Canberra ACT Australia high - intensity field platform Map
phenoPET Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
PhenoPlant Angers France cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, platform under controlled environment Map
PHENOPlant Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities, VBC, Vienna, Austria Austria high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
PHENOPSIS Montpellier France platform under controlled environment Map
PhenoSeeder Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
Phenovator Wageningen University Netherlands cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, platform under controlled environment Map
Plant'HP University of Liège Belgium platform under controlled environment Map
Plant Cultivation Hall Container System IPK Gatersleben, Germany Germany high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
PlantEye DualScan Heerlen Netherlands platform under controlled environment Map
Plant Genomics and Phenomics Research Data Repository (PGP) IPK Gatersleben Germany Information systems for plant phenotyping Map
PlantMRI Forschungszentrum Juelich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
Plant Phenomics Facility Arkansas State University United States high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Centre (P2IRC) University of Saskatchewan cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, chemical/molecular phenotyping platform, modelling platform, platform under controlled environment Map
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh 2D Multi-Plant Imaging Platform Edinburgh United Kingdom lean (cost efficient) field platform, platform under controlled environment Map
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh 3D Plant Imaging Platform Edinburgh United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh Predictive Modelling Edinburgh United Kingdom modelling platform Map
Predictive Plant - Edinburgh Root Imaging Platform Edinburgh United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
QAU Field HTP Platform Dongying China high - intensity field platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
Rain Out Shelter Sensor Rack IRRI, Los Banos Philippines high - intensity field platform Map
RAP (Rice Automatic Phenotyping platform ) Huazhong Agricultural University China platform under controlled environment Map
Rhizotron-System (PKH_Rhizo) IPK Gatersleben Germany high-throughput phenotyping facility, platform under controlled environment Map
Screen House Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
SIF-Cam Forschungszentrum Jülich, IBG-2 Germany high - intensity field platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
SignalSCREEN Munich Germany cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, platform under controlled environment Map
Slovak PlantScreen Phenotyping Unit (SPPU) Slovak University of Agriculture (SUA) in Nitra Slovakia platform under controlled environment Map
Small Plant Platform Aberystwyth United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
STUPS Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
SunSCREEN Munich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
TD_NMR_SEED IPK Gatersleben Germany cellular/tissue level phenotyping platform, chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
TERRA REF Field Scanner Maricopa, AZ United States high - intensity field platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
The Hounsfield Facility Nottingham, UK United Kingdom platform under controlled environment Map
The Microphenotron Lancaster University United Kingdom chemical/molecular phenotyping platform Map
The Plant Accelerator - Australian Plant Phenomics Facility Adelaide Australia platform under controlled environment Map
Tractor Paddy Scanner IRRI, Los Banos Philippines lean (cost efficient) field platform Map
TraitFinder with PlantEye DualScan Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Lithuania platform under controlled environment Map
UAV with RGB and multispectral camera Forschungszentrum Jülich Germany high - intensity field platform Map
Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility Wageningen Netherlands lean (cost efficient) field platform Map
USDA South Carolina USDA ARS platform under controlled environment Map
Vegolia INRA Colmar France platform under controlled environment Map
VOC-SCREEN (Phenotyping Volatile Organic Compounds) Munich Germany platform under controlled environment Map
WIWAM Arabidopsis VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent Belgium platform under controlled environment Map
WIWAM Conveyor (PHENOVISION) VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent Belgium platform under controlled environment Map
WIWAM Maize VIB-UGent Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent Belgium platform under controlled environment Map
World Vegetable Center Shanhua, Tainan, Taiwan Taiwan high - intensity field platform, high-throughput phenotyping facility Map
WSU Pullman Phenomics Center Washington State University platform under controlled environment Map