EU Science Career Opportunities

EURAXESS is a unique pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research Fellowships are European research grants available to researchers regardless of their nationality and field of research.

Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) is an international program of research support, funding frontier research on the complex mechanisms of living organisms. Research is funded at all levels of biological complexity from biomolecules to the interactions between organisms.

The European Research Council provides funding opportunities for excellent researchers and their teams regardless of their nationality and current place of work.

AgreenSkills is an international, open, incoming-outgoing mobility programme co-funded by the European Commission in the frame of the COFUND-FP7 People Programme. This programme is coordinated by INRA and Agreenium, a consortium comprising the main French agricultural and veterinary research and higher education organisations. AgreenSkills supports inventive, talented and promising young researchers (post doc), from all disciplines and from all over the world, to develop challenging basic or targeted research projects in the fields of agriculture, environment, food and nutrition and animal health.