IPPN Seed & Germplasm Working Group Travel Grant for attending the Root2Res Workshop on Root Phenotyping, in Sidi el Aidi (Morocco)



The IPPN encourages mobility among young researchers & practitioners (from academia and industry) and enhances international contacts between research groups. With this grant, the IPPN Seed & Germplasm Working Group specifically supports early career professionals who wish to participate at the  Root2Res Workshop on Root phenotyping on February 28, 2024.



  • The grant supports 2 students &/or early carreer professionals with up to 750€ for travel & accomodation costs.
  • Submission deadline: February 20, 2024. 
  • Applicants must actively participate in the workshop.

The application will be evaluated by the board of the Seed & Germplasm WG and the IPPN Office.

 Announcement of results: February 25


Profile and conditions

In order to participate, you need to be affiliated to a university, research institution or company and you are an early career scientist (graduate- / PhD student, or postdoc who finished the PhD after 1 January 2022), or an industry professional (no longer than 4 yrs. working experience) in the field of plant phenotyping and leverage from data of advanced sensor systems.

The application includes: 

  • Short CV (max. 1 page)
  • Letter of motivation 
  • Confirmation of registration to the workshop
  • Flight schedule or travel cost estimate. Based on this the grant will be given

Please submit the application files to:     IPPN@plant-phenotyping.org

IPPN encourages students and early career scientists from developing and emerging countries (see list of LDC) to apply for the travel grant.