The 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium, IPPS2019
Plant phenotyping is becoming the central field of research and application in academia and industry providing a fertile ground for the development of new phenotyping technologies, platforms and methods required to address future grand challenges. Within the 6th International Plant Phenotyping Symposium we will address the recent development in plant phenotyping and provide a platfrom for discussion and exchange:
- ...from technology:
discussing the latest and future technological and sensor developments in plant phenotyping including cost effective applications.
- data:
addressing the latest developments that will enable the reusability of data from acquisition to to management and reuse and modelling.
- impact:
outlining the success stories in plant phenotyping leading improved plant production.
The Symposium will be complemented by a training school befor the symposium to specifically address early career scientists
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IPPS 2019 Pre-Conference Program
Tuesday 22nd October
Day 1 - Satellite Meetings
14:00 – 21:00 Registration open
Root Phenotyping WG Satellite Meeting
- Larry York: Update on root phenotyping
- Peter Pietrzyk: An algorithm to measure root hair response to abiotic stresses in microscopy images
- Patompong Saengwilai: Cassava root phenotyping and its application in phytoremediation technology
- Phanchita Vejchasarn: Rhizo-Rice: a novel ideotype for deeper roots and improved drought tolerance
Forest Phenotyping WG Satellite Meeting
- Heidi Dungey: An introduction to forest phenotyping
- Nicholas Coops: Use of Advanced Remote Sensing Tools for Phenotyping Evaluation
- Maxime Bombrun: Forest Phenotyping assisted by machine learning
IPPS 2019 Main Program
Wednesday 23rd October
Day 2 – “From Plant …”
Group Picture & Coffee break
Key lecture 1
Weixing Cao: Phenotyping Field Crops for Assessment of Growth Status
Key lecture 2
Christopher McCool: How will phenotyping technologies contribute to future agriculture?
SESSION 1 - New Sensor Technology
- (Keynote) Dagmar van Duschoten: Quantification of temperospatial root water uptake by means of a very precise soil water profiler
- Raul Lopez-Lozano: A physically-based model to exploit UAV radiometric observations under heterogeneous illumination conditions
- Joelle Claussen: Wheat phenotyping using X-ray technology and the effect of X-ray radiation during flowering time
- Morten Lillemo: Virtual phenomics - use of robots and drones in combination with genomics accelerate genetic gains in wheat breeding
Coffee break
SESSION 2 - Affordable Phenotyping
- (Keynote) Rick van de Zedde: Automation and robotics for high-throughput phenotyping and precision horticulture
- Larry York: Functional phenomics of crop physiology using affordable and open source phenotyping platforms
- Linyuan Li: An Integrated Solution for High-throughput Estimation of Canopy Cover in Crop and Forest Fields Using UAV RBG imagery
- Honghong Chai: Revealing the relationship between biomass, sugar content and image-based phenotyping in beetroot
Penal Discussion: Demands from Industry to Academia and vice versa
Host: Bettina Berger
- Bas van Erdt (Phenokey)
- Christoph Bauer (KWS)
- David Han (Phenotrait)
Open Networking
Thursday 24th October
Day 3 – “To Data …”
SESSION 3 - Image Analysis
- (Keynote) Stefan Gerth: Improving Cassava root segmentation using AI
- Yosuke Toda: A unified framework for image-based plant phenotyping under controlled growth environment: From image acquisition to phenotype
- Robail Yasrab: RootNav 2.0: Machine Learning based Automatic Plant Phenotyping
- Etienne David: Is Bigger Always Better to train deep learning models for high throughput phenotyping
Coffee break
SESSION 4 - Data Management
- (Keynote) Pascal Neveu: Implementation of FAIR Data Principles in Plant Phenomics
-Gamal El Masry: High-Throughput Phenotyping of Cowpea Seeds Using Multispectral imaging
- Stijn Dhondt: Unlocking the potential of plant phenotyping data using PIPPA
- Qinghan Dong: MAPEO: a drone based phenotyping platform for plant breeders
Lunch break
SESSION 5 - Modeling
- (Keynote) Tao Cheng: Crop Nitrogen Phenotyping from Leaves to Grains
- Shogo Nagano: Prediction of lettuce fresh weight using optical flow and machine learning in a closed-type plant factory
- Richard Poiré: Deep learning approaches to evaluate morphological and physiological parameters in model plants & wheat
- Shouyang Liu: High-throughput phenotyping wheat canopy light interception in the field using multi-directional RGB imagery
Coffee break and poster session
Young Talent Awards
Conference Dinner
Friday 25th October
Day 4 – “To Impact …”
Key lecture 3
Malcolm Hawkesford: How will phenotyping technologies contribute to future agriculture?
SESSION 6 - Utilization of genetic resources
- (Keynote) Kioumars Ghamkhar: Phenomics for the improvement and selection of forage genetic resources
- Carl-Otto Ottosen: Phenotyping for stress tolerance in spring wheat
- Eric Alexandersson: NordPlant - a new climate and plant phenomics university hub for sustainable agriculture and forest production in future Nordic climates
- Marian Brestic: Phenotyping of wheat genebank accessions using RGB and hyperspectral data
Coffee break
SESSION 7 - Yield Improvement
- (Keynote) Francois Tardieu:From phenomics to yield improvement in a changing climate: a trait-based probabilistic approach
- Scott Chapman: Combining modelling and field phenomics to predict biomass of bioenergy and grain sorghum
- Barbara George-Jaeggli: High-throughput phenotyping of canopy radiation use efficiency and its component traits
- Bruno Pollet: How to bring value to agriculture: phenotyping technologies and applications at BASF Agricultural Solutions
Lunch and break
SESSION 8 - Biotic stress resistance
- (Keynote) Stephen Rolfe: Phenotyping of quantitative disease resistance
- Ethan Stewart: The application of a deep learning approach for quantitative disease phenotyping in UAV images
- Thomas Roitsch: Combination of high-throughput multispectral and deep cell physiological phenotyping of barley resistances against fungal pathogens in controlled environments
- Onno Muller: Quantifying biotic stress in the field by photosynthetic phenotyping
Coffee break
SESSION 9 - Abiotic stress tolerance
- (Keynote) Bettina Berger: High-throughput phenotyping for abiotic stress tolerance in a controlled environment – lessons learned over the past 10 years
- Liu Zhipeng: Functional Phenotyping Platform for Evaluating Yield-Related Quantitative Traits in a Dynamic Environment
- Sudhir Kumar: High-throughput Phenotyping of wheat for water use efficiency-based donor identification
- Marc Janin: Accessing wheat competitiveness traits from high-throughput field observations of the borders of microplots
Awarding & Closing ceremony
Field trip: Leaving for Baima
IPPS Tree Planting
Field visit
Lunch and departure