10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR10)

10th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR10) will be held on 8-12 July, 2018.
The Symposium will promote fundamental understanding of the diverse aspects of root biology. The symposium, titled: “Exposing the Hidden Half - Root Research at the Forefront of Science”, will assemble multiple disciplines in order to facilitate exploration of novel approaches and investigation of complex processes and mechanisms. The intersections of root physiology, root development, root architecture and root interactions with the environment will be tackled by researchers from around the globe through talks, poster sessions and discussions. Basic research at multiple scales (proteins, cells, tissues and the root system as a whole) and cutting-edge methodologies will be highlighted as important means to advance agriculture. Graduate students, young researchers and senior scientists will find the conference setting in the scenic Jerusalem hills conducive for both formal and informal interactions promoting a rich exchange of ideas and knowledge and opportunity for fostering collaborations.