3rd NordPlant annual meeting: “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?
Among the highlights are presentation by Magnus Nordborg from the Gregor Mendel Institute in Austria, Eva Rosenqvist from UCPH, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann from NIBIO and David Percival from Dalhousie University in Canada, and a panel discussion on “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?” with Eva Rosenqvist, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann, Markku Keinänen, Morten Lillemo, Ove Nilsson and Rick van de Zedde.
The Third NordPlant annual meeting: “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?” will be held in Tromsø, 25-26 November 2021.
Among the highlights are presentation by Magnus Nordborg from the Gregor Mendel Institute in Austria, Eva Rosenqvist from UCPH, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann from NIBIO and David Percival from Dalhousie University in Canada, and a panel discussion on “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?” with Eva Rosenqvist, Jørgen A. B. Mølmann, Markku Keinänen, Morten Lillemo, Ove Nilsson and Rick van de Zedde. Read more and register here.
Nordic PhD course in plant imaging and phenotyping: Immediately before the NordPlant annual meeting, there will be a course in plant imaging and phenotyping (3 ECTS), that continues through the annual meeting. The course is on 22-26 November 2021.
The course will contain: Lectures 6h by Prof. Markku Keinänen, UEF/UiT; Imaging of plant stress symptoms with PlantEye scanner, hyperspectral and thermal camera; One day for practising/demonstration of computational data processing of the results; Participants will write report about the experimental work; Participants will also write short summary of five NordPlant workshop presentations according to their interest. Read more here. To register, email Laura Jaakola laura.jaakola@uit.no