COST Action Workshop: Remote sensing and plant phenotyping
SENSECO COST action ( WG3 “Sensor Synergies” and the Research Infrastructure EMPHASIS ( have similar interests, which they approach from different directions. For instance, remote sensing and phenotyping communities use the same sensor technologies (hyperspectral, thermal, fluorescence, 3-D, etc.) and need similar retrieval methods, but work on different scales with overlap at the field- and UAV-platform levels and target different applications (e.g. precision agriculture vs. phenotyping). Thus, we would like to bring experts from the remote sensing and plant phenotyping communities together to exchange and discuss where are common interests and synergy effects. Mainly, the focus will be on the assessment of vegetation properties and crop stress and disease detection using synergies from both communities and, ultimately, to develop a strategy to work closer together.
To achieve this, we want to organize a workshop inviting from the two different communities. The following agenda is foreseen:
- Two presentations on the two networks of the communities: SENSECO (Martin Schlef, LIST Luxembourg) and Emphasis (Roland Pieruschka, FZ Jülich, Germany) (~45 min)
- Two thematic and inspiring presentations from Frederic Baret (INRA, Avignon, France) and Jose Jimenez-Berni (Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (Spanish National Research Council - CSIC) in Cordoba, Spain) (~45 min)
- Discussion and idea development for further possibilities of collaboration led by Uwe Rascher (FZ Jülich, Germany) (~1.5h)
The event will be online on the 10. February 2021: 10-13
To register, please send an email to until the 05 FEB 2021.