Intercropping for Sustainability

Increasing diversity within agricultural systems by intercropping offers a realistic and practical opportunity to enhance and stabilise crop yields and produce food, feed and fuel with fewer inputs. As environmental conditions become more variable, diversifying cropping systems can also reduce production risks. The Horizon 2020-funded projects DIVERSify and ReMIX, alongside other projects, are conducting research trials as well as working with farmers and other agricultural stakeholders across Europe and internationally to design, test and provide practical solutions for multi-species intercropping. It is timely to bring together the intercropping community to showcase the latest findings on intercropping research from the lab and the field and encourage debate on uptake and best practice. DIVERSify and ReMIX are working with other Horizon 2020-funded projects in the Crop Diversification Cluster to transfer project findings to scientists, farmers, advisers, industry and policy makers (see for information about other joint events). The Congress will cover topics that range from basic research to practical application of intercrops.
The Congress aims to attract scientists and agricultural stakeholders from diverse farming systems and regions to obtain feedback on research findings and industry-relevant tools, discuss intercropping uptake and practical application, and guide future developments in intercropping research. The meeting will include scientific sessions, workshops and panel debates co-organised with agricultural stakeholders to discuss the practical adoption of intercropping, applying research findings, and new and emerging tools and kit.
Invited speakers include:
- Dr Caroline Drummond MBE (Linking Environment and Farming, UK) will chair a science farmer forum/Q&A on intercropping practices
- Prof. Maria Finckh (University of Kassel, Germany)
- Prof. Bernhard Schmid (University Of Zürich, Switzerland)
- Prof. John Vandermeer (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, USA)
Committee Members
- Ali Karley James Hutton Institute, UK
- Maria Carlota Vaz Patto Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Portugal
- Charlotte Bickler Organic Research Centre, UK
- Adrian Newton James Hutton Institute, UK
- Christoph Scherber University of Münster
- Inger Bertelsen Landbrug & Fødevarer SEGES, Denmark
- Christine Watson Scotlands Rural College, UK
- Jean-Noel Aubertot Institut national de la recherche agronomique, France
- Beatrix Keillor James Hutton Institute, UK
More Information