
[Special Issue] Plant BioDesign Hub: Automation for Plant Biodesign

The special issue theme on “Automation for Plant Biodesign” seeks original research manuscripts as well as reviews on new technologies enabling automated plant biodesign research or any component of Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycles for plants in lab, greenhouse, or field settings.

Special Issue banner


In the plant sciences of the future, the ability to undertake high-precision predictive biology will turbocharge efforts in basic and applied plant biodesign. Automation technologies have immense potential in transforming the pace, precision, and consistency of engineering, measurement, and perturbation of plant biosystems. The combination of automation, robotics, sensing, real-time data handling, and advanced computational approaches such as AI/ML is bringing about a paradigm shift and transforming the throughput, efficiency, reliability, and predictability of genetic engineering and plant systems analysis. The special issue theme on “Automation for Plant Biodesign” seeks original research manuscripts as well as reviews on new technologies enabling automated plant biodesign research or any component of Design-Build-Test-Learn (DBTL) cycles for plants in lab, greenhouse, or field settings.

Guest Editors

Udaya Kalluri, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (kalluriudayc@ornl.gov)

George Kantor, Carnegie Mellon University (gkantor@andrew.cmu.edu)

Submission Instructions

When submitting, please select the special issue topic as the Section/Category and indicate in your cover letter that your submission is intended for inclusion in the Plant BioDesign Hub special issue, ensuring to also indicate the theme of your submission in the cover letter (Automation for Plant Biodesign).

Submission Deadline: December 31, 2023