36th AAAI - Conference on Artificial Intelligence
The purpose of the AAAI conference series is to promote research in artificial intelligence (AI) and foster scientific exchange between researchers, practitioners, scientists, students, and engineers in AI and its affiliated disciplines.
AAAI-22 is the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Like previous AAAI conferences it will feature technical paper presentations, invited speakers, workshops, tutorials, poster sessions, senior member presentations, competitions, and exhibit programs, all selected according to the highest standards. AAAI-22 will also include additional programs for students and young researchers.
We plan for AAAI-22 to be an in-person conference and are exploring opportunities for remote participation. Given the volatile situation, however, the exact format of the conference can only be decided at a later stage.
Conference Website
Timetable for Authors
Note: all deadlines are “anywhere on earth” (UTC-12)
- July 26, 2021: AAAI-22 web site open for author registration
- August 2, 2021: AAAI-22 web site open for paper submission
- August 30, 2021: Abstracts due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
- September 8, 2021: Full papers due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
- September 11, 2021: Supplementary material and code due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
- October 1, 2021: Abstracts AND full papers for NeurIPS fast track submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
- October 4, 2021: Supplementary material and code for NeurIPS fast track submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
- October 15, 2021: Notification of Phase 1 rejections
- November 2-6, 2021: Author feedback window
- November 29, 2021: Notification of final acceptance or rejection
- December 9, 2021: Submission of paper preprints for inclusion in electronic conference materials
- February 22 – March 1, 2022: AAAI 2022
- March 22, 2022: Submission of archival versions of papers for publication in the AAAI digital library.