7th Annual Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network Workshop
The program will include presentations from the project partners as well as invited keynote speakers. Registration deadline for the workshop is 31 December 2021.
Update: This event was shiftet into an online event by the organizers.
Registration for the 7th Annual Nordic Plant Phenotyping Network Workshop is now open!
The workshop will take place 1-2 February 2022, Online. The program will include presentations from the project partners as well as invited keynote speakers. Registration deadline for the workshop is 31 December 2021. Click here for more details and to register for the workshop.
NPPN seminar – 1 February
The 7th Annual NPPN Workshop will be held as a half-day, online seminar on 1 February 2022. The program includes presentations from the 6P3 work package leaders as well as invited keynote speakers.
See the program for the NPPN seminar on 1 February here.
Daisy workshop – 2 February
You can also join a half-day, online workshop about the flexible Soil-Plant-Atmosphere system model Daisy on 2 February. The workshop is organized in collaboration between the 6P3 and the RadiBooster project.
You will receive a guide on how to install Daisy (and R) before the workshop, and will get an introduction to the model. You will then be guided slowly through the material, while you are working on it at the same time. Support will be provided in break-out rooms, and the meeting will be recorded and shared with the participants after the workshop.
See the program for the Daisy workshop on 2 February here.
Click here to register for one or both of the events.
Registration deadline is 31st January at 12.00 o'clock.