Assembly of the IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Working Group

We are looking forward to our next working group assembly, which is planned as a pre-meeting for the workshop of the IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Working Group at the IPPS2022.
This meeting is open to everyone interested in Affordable Phenotyping methods.
Dear colleagues and interested parties,
we are looking forward to our next working group assembly, which is planned as a pre-meeting for the workshop of the IPPN Affordable Phenotyping Working Group at the IPPS2022.
With this mail we would like to supply you with additional information.
The goal of this meeting is two-fold:
1) We want to update you on our past, current and future activities. We will also provide information on the satellite meeting at the IPPS2022 (Wageningen, 26 Sept), which will be a mixture of short scientific presentations and an official assembly (including chair elections).
2) We also want to give you the chance to introduce yourself and your work and activities. Therefore, we would like to ask every participant for a 1-minute presentation of their work/interest, which should also link to the affordable phenotyping topic.
This meeting is open to everyone interested in Affordable Phenotyping methods. If you are interested, please give us a short note via email ( and in case you have some slide(s) to present, please send them to us in time such that we can compile them for a presentation.
Best wishes,
Mark Mueller-Linow & David Rousseau
You can access the meeting by the link given below.
Please click this URL to join.