BMVC 2018 Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2018)

Abstract submission deadline: 06 July 2018
BMVC 2018 Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping (CVPPP 2018)
September 6, 2018, Newcastle, UK
Call for Papers
Submission due (full paper or 1 page abstract):
06 July 2018
Notification of acceptance:
17 July 2018
Camera-ready (full papers only):
Workshop date:
06 Sept 2018
After the successful CVPPP workshops at ECCV 2014, BMVC 2015, and ICCV 2017, CVPPP this year returns to BMVC. The goal of this fourth workshop is to continue to showcase the challenges raised by and extend the state of the art in computer vision for plant phenotyping. Plant phenotyping is the identification of effects on plant structure and function (the phenotype) resulting from genotypic differences (i.e., differences in the genetic code) and the environmental conditions a plant has been exposed to. Knowledge of plant phenotypes is a key ingredient of the knowledge-based bioeconomy, which not only literally helps to feed the world, but is also essential for feed, fibre and fuel production. We want to identify key but unsolved problems, expose the current state-of-the-art, and broaden the field and the community.
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- advances in segmentation, tracking, detection, reconstruction and identification methods that address unsolved plant phenotyping scenarios
- open source implementation, comparison and discussion of existing methods and annotation tools
- image data sets defining plant phenotyping challenges, complete with annotations if appropriate, accompanied with benchmark methods if possible, and suitable evaluation methods. Compare e.g. the Plant Leaf Segmentation Challenge (LSC), which spawned from earlier CVPPPs and is meanwhile hosted at CodaLab as permanent competition.
We welcome both:
- full papers [will appear in the BMVC online proceedings] and
- one page abstracts [will appear on the CVPPP website, but not in the BMVC proceedings].
Further information about the workshop, author instructions, submission guidelines, and the challenge are available at:
We are looking forward to inspiring solutions for automated plant phenotyping applications!
Workshop Organizers:
Tony Pridmore (University of Nottingham, UK)
Sotirios A. Tsaftaris Sotirios A. Tsaftaris (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Hanno Scharr (Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany)