21.11.2019 15:00 16:30 – https://zoom.us/j/101827635 Download iCal
Webinar: UAVs and Satellites for Agriculture

Join us for an
International Discussion on UAVs and Satellites for Agriculture!
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NtVQBxRXmV1bm-OVGiQSnV0zWOzifa-La5aid2lcGaE/edit
Date and Time: 8:00-9:30 AM US Central Time
Confirm your local time at: http://bit.ly/2CHbgLu
Location: https://zoom.us/j/101827635
and 0013 Curtiss Hall, Iowa State University
(if you attend in-person at ISU, refreshments will be served)
Organized by the EU Big Data Value Association, the Midwest Big Data Hub's Digital Agriculture Community, Iowa State University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, SINTEF, and Intrasoft International
UAVs & satellites (PDF)