Wheat Initiative: 5TH VIRTUAL DURUM MEETING - “Challenges and Prospects of Durum Wheat of the Future”

The Expert Working Group on DURUM WHEAT GENOMICS AND BREEDING will hold their 5th virtual meeting in May!
The Virtual Durum Meeting is a two-day webinar with 4-5 short presentations every day given in about 2 hrs followed by time for discussion. The webinar will start at 15.00h (Central European Time/Berlin Time), corresponding to morning in US and late evening in Australia.
You can find the full programme here soon!
Organised by Early Career Researchers of the Expert Working Group on Durum Wheat Genomics and Breeding.
MSc students, PhD students and postdocs are more than welcome to talk: this is a great way to introduce yourself to durum wheat community! If you'd like to give a talk, please complete the following application form!
Deadline: March 31, 2023