3rd International Plant Phenotyping Symposium
Chennai, India
February 2014

Keynote address

Plant Phenotyping for Meeting the Zero Hunger Challenge  >>  pdf
Prof M. S. Swaminathan, MSSRF, India

Aims and Scope of the conference   >>  pdf  
Ulrich Schurr, IPPN

Special Lecture 1:

Phenotypic traits revealing root function under drought  >>  pdf
Cesar Mariano Cossani Rial, CIMMYT, Mexico

Special Lecture 2:

Interpreting phenomics data: The need to use ontologies
Björn Usadel, RWTH Aachen & Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany 

Session 1: Breeding for novel traits

Chair: Roberto Tuberosa, University of Bologna, Italy

Phenomics and molecular phenotyping to study crop domestication
Roberto Papa, CRA-CER, Italy

Capturing traits providing heat stress tolerance in wheat using precision phenotyping     >>  pdf  /  >>  video
Indu Sharma, DWR, India

Genetic architecture of mutant leaf shapes and their potential use in cotton improvement
Vasu Kuraparthy NC State University, USA

Breeding for novel traits: Rice experience
T Mohaptra, Central Rice Research Institute, India

Session 2: Root phenotyping

Chair: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT, India

Root phenotyping to increase the water use efficiency of wheat  >>  pdf  /  >>  video
Ravish Chatrath, DWR, India

Root phenotyping at Jülich Plant Phenotyping Centre (JPPC) - new routes to explore non-invasively the hidden half of plants   >>  pdf 
Kerstin Nagel, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Root growth dynamics of young plants as monitored by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dagmar van Duschoten, IIT, Italy

Session 3: Phenotyping for biomass accumulation

Chair: Roberto Papa, CRA-CER, Italy

Exploiting photosynthetic variation in cereal crops
Xavier Sirault, CSIRO, Australia

Plant phenotyping for elucidation of biomass- and metabolite-heterosis in Arabidopsis and maize
Thomas Altmann, IPK Gatersleben, Germany

Maize and Arabidopsis phenotyping platforms assist to unravel molecular mechanisms regulating growth   >>  pdf  /  >>  video
Stijn Dhondt, VIB Ghent, Belgium

Session 4: Phenotyping for tolerance to abiotic stresses

Chair: S. Grando, ICRISAT

Phenotyping for the dissection of genetic landscape of drought tolerance in cereals   >>  pdf
Roberto Tuberosa, University of Bologna, Italy

Breeding for drought resistance in rice based on whole-plant architecture   >>  pdf   /  >>  video
H. E. Shashidhar, UAS Bangalore, India
High-throughput phenotyping to study the dynamic response to salinity in wheat and barley

Bettina Berger, University of Adelaide, Australia

Phenomics approach to assess soybean-Bradyrhizobium symbiotic interactions under soil moisture stress   >>  pdf  /  >>  video
V Govindasamy, NIAM, India

Phenotyping approaches for developing climate ready genotypes - Efforts under NICRA
Mandapaka Maheswari, CRI, India

Session 5: Low cost phenotyping

Chair: Heike Schneider, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Lowering the cost of medium- and high-throughput automated phenotyping: A need for satisfying the projected demand for food, feed and biofuels  >> pdf  /  >>  video
Luis Aguirrezabal, University of Mar del Plata, Argentina

High-throughput and low-cost phenotyping options for a few drought adaptive traits
M. Udayakumar, GKVK, India

New phenotyping technique for salinity tolerance at the reproductive stage in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   >>  pdf  /  >>  video
R. K. Singh, IRRI, Philippines

Session 6: Novel Sensors

Chair: P. S. Ahuja, IHBT Palampur, India

Emerging sensors and non-invasive methods for the rapid and accurate estimation of water relations in above-ground plant tissues  >>  pdf
Fabio Fiorani, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

Hyperspectral imaging as a potential tool for high throughput in-field phenotyping at leaf scale
Gilles Rabatel, Irstea, France

Rapid 3D reconstruction of plants and the benefits for phenotyping and robotics
   >>  pdf   /   >>  video
Rick van de Zedde, WUR, The Netherlands

Session 7: Dialogue between modelling and phenotyping

Chair: Björn Usadel, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Francois Tardieu, INRA, France
From phenotyping platforms to field: the role of modelling  >>  video

Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT, India
Those magnificent men in their phenotyping machines   >>  video

Gaurab Gangopadhyay, Bose Institute, India
A simple algorithm for phenomic identification of the ideal Sesame plant type with novel architecture and an image analysis based seed phenomics for predictive Sesame Marker Assisted Breeding  >>  pdf  >>  video

Gregor Huber, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Mathematical modeling of long-distance tracer transport in plants   >>  pdf


Session 8: Field phenotyping

            Chair: Luis Aguirrezabal, University of Mar del Plata, Argentina

Frédéric Baret, INRA, France
Interest and limits of UAV and UGV systems for field high-throughput phenotyping   >>  pdf

Thomas Roitsch, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
>> Applying multispectral imaging for field phenotyping

Ravi Kumar Nakka, CRIDA, India
>> Early ground cover: A non-invasive digital imaging tool to screen for drought tolerance in maize

Plant Phenotyping Initiatives:

B. Berger: Wheat Initiative
T. Roitsch: DkPPN
J. M. Pasuquin: GRiSP  >>  pdf  /  >>  video
U.B. Angadi ASHOKA  >>  pdf  >>  video
F. Tardieu: PHENOME   >>  video
X. Sirault: APPF
R. Pieruschka: EPPN  >>  pdf  /  >>  video
A. Keßeler: DPPN  >>  pdf  >>  video
M. Neal:
UKPPN  >>  pdf

The International Plant Phenotyping Network is registered as a non-profit association under German law in the District Court of Düren, Germany: VR 2580.